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Violet Locked account

Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

I'm here to find new books to read. I may review a book now and then. My favorite authors include Terry Pratchett, Stephen King, and Neil Gaiman.

I've added read dates for a lot of the books on my list. Unfortunately I can't begin to estimate when I read all of them, except that I read most of the Discworld series not long after each book was published, all the way back to Guards! Guards!, which was my introduction to that universe.

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Violet's books

reviewed Carpe jugulum by Terry Pratchett (A Discworld novel)

Terry Pratchett, Terry Pratchett: Carpe jugulum (2005, Charnwood) 4 stars

Carpe Jugulum (Latin for "seize the throat", cf. Carpe diem) is a comic fantasy novel …

A tale that seizes you by the throat

5 stars

How do you defeat an adversary who is stronger than you are? After King Verence invites a family of vampires to his daughter's christening, they have the entire kingdom of Lancre in their thrall, including Granny and Magrat. But where is Granny Weatherwax? Has Lancre's most powerful witch run away from a threat too powerful even for her headology? Garlic, crosses, holy water... Nothing seems to faze this modern vampire family. Almost nothing...

Carpe Jugulum was a fitting finale to the original witches series. This is another book I read often enough to damage my paperback copy. The tension in the tea-stirring scene is one of the greatest grande pause moments in fiction.

Terry Pratchett, Terry Pratchett: Interesting Times (Paperback, 1994, Corgi) 4 stars

"May you live in interesting times" is the worst thing one can wish on a …

The peak of the Rincewind series; a story of the messy art of war

5 stars

A "wizzard" from a city that isn't quite London materializes on a continent that isn't quite China, where a revolution is brewing. In trying to avoid conflict, Rincewind's typical brownian motion sets off a butterfly effect that culminates in a battle between two leaders who could not be more different: a warlord who drives his pawns in front of him and an aging barbarian who leads his long-experienced comrades on the battlefield. But Rincewind has one more surprise for the combatants--as much a surprise to him as it is to them! Maybe he can finally fulfill his desire for...potatoes?

I read this book in its original paperback release, and re-read it so many times it fell apart. This is my favorite instalment in the Rincewind series.

reviewed Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #15)

Terry Pratchett: Men at Arms (EBook, 2009, HarperCollins) 4 stars

'What's so hard about pulling a sword out of a stone? The real work's already …

The night watch comes of age

5 stars

Guards! Guards! introduced us to the detritus of the once-proud night watch of Ankh-Morpork. In Men at Arms, the watch is expanded to include non-human members including a dwarf (of typical stature this time), a troll, and a woman whose "time of month" is a little more...noticeable than usual.

In this book, the Watch is up against an assassin who kills without remorse, leaving inexplicable injuries. The final confrontation has Vimes battling an unexpected adversary, and reveals Corporal Carrot for who he really is (even more so than last time). If you're like me, the final chapter will make you stand up and cheer.

I read this book shortly after it was published. It cemented Samuel Vimes as my favorite Discworld character. I couldn't wait for the next instalment in the series.

Stephen King: under the dome (Hardcover, 2011, Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля) 5 stars

I didn't sleep much because I could not put it down!

5 stars

Stephen King at his best. The titular dome appears in Chapter 1, and the action doesn't let up until the dome's origin is revealed at the end. I read the first hardcover edition shortly after it was published. It's a serious bug squasher, but I finished it faster than I've read many short paperbacks.

If you're only familiar with the miniseries, don't use that as your guide. That series was a slow, plodding soap opera compared to the book.