@kamen a mí me han dado tantas ganas de pasear, viajar, inspeccionar mapas y medir distancias...
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Iamanath's books
2025 Reading Goal
13% complete! Iamanath has read 7 of 52 books.
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Iamanath finished reading Inés by Elena Garro

Inés by Elena Garro
Inés, hasta ahora inédita en España, es la obra más visceral e inquietante de Elena Garro. La autora transforma una …
Iamanath rated La economía sin corbata: 4 stars
Iamanath rated La economía sin corbata: 3 stars
Iamanath finished reading La economía sin corbata by Yanis Varoufakis
Iamanath finished reading Especies de espacios by Georges Perec

Especies de espacios by Georges Perec
Georges Perec contempla las muchas maneras en que ocupamos el espacio que nos rodea, describe los elementos comunes con los …

Flores Para Algernon/ Flowers for Algernon (El Barco De Vapor / the Steamboat) by Daniel Keyes, Paz Barroso
Until he was thirty-two, Charlie Gordon --gentle, amiable, oddly engaging-- had lived in a kind of mental twilight. He knew …
Iamanath rated Mira las luces, amor mío: 3 stars
Iamanath finished reading Mira las luces, amor mío by Annie Ernaux
Iamanath started reading Seamos como los hongos by Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodriquez

Seamos como los hongos by Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodriquez
Basado en conversaciones con guardianes de la sabiduría indígena, colectivos de artistas de México, América del Sur y el Caribe, …

Flores Para Algernon/ Flowers for Algernon (El Barco De Vapor / the Steamboat) by Daniel Keyes, Paz Barroso
Until he was thirty-two, Charlie Gordon --gentle, amiable, oddly engaging-- had lived in a kind of mental twilight. He knew …

Flores Para Algernon/ Flowers for Algernon (El Barco De Vapor / the Steamboat) by Daniel Keyes, Paz Barroso
Until he was thirty-two, Charlie Gordon --gentle, amiable, oddly engaging-- had lived in a kind of mental twilight. He knew …