Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year ago

Co-host of monthly critical tech #radio show / #podcast Techno Enema, #emacs, #dactyl, #diy, #guix, working with #drupal also #communist and nudist. Part of #kompot #LibreHosting collective. #fediverse enthusiast. also #cats and #mushrooms, #foss


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finished reading Hrošč v mravljišču by Boris Strugatsky (Spektrum)

Boris Strugatsky, Arkady Strugatsky, Drago Bajt: Hrošč v mravljišču (Hardcover, Slovenian language, Tehniška založba Slovenije) 3 stars

Izkušen preiskovalec iz COMCON-2 Maxim Kammarer prejme skrivnosten ukaz, da izsledi Leva Albakina, ki se …

The story is quite short and a quick read. It is based on a similar concept as Roadside picnic but doesn't build as good of an atmosphere as Roadside picnic does. I'm looking forward to read The Time Wanderers (which are also translated in Slovene) and Hard to be a God and then I'll have quite a good overview over Strugacki brothers.

finished reading Splet norosti in bolečine by Franz Kafka (Knjižica Kondor, #46)

Franz Kafka, Herbert Grün, Branko Kreft: Splet norosti in bolečine (Hardcover, Slovenian language, 1961, Mladinska knjiga) No rating

Zbirka kratkih zgodb: - Pred vrati postave - Sodba - Ženskica - Preobrazba - V …

Romani od Kafke (Proces, Grad, Amerika sem prebral) so mi bolj vsec od teh kratkih zgodb. Branje Kafke je placebo zdravilo samomedikacije birokracijafobije. Kljub tej fobiji, pa je treba birokracijo prepoznati kot nacin za komunikacijo znotraj druzbene organizacije in je kot taka nujna. Ubistvu gre za nekaj podobnega kot strah pred velikimi stvarmi, recimo strah pred gorami. Ni nujno, da se ne bos povzpel gor, tudi ce je od spodaj malo strah vzbujajoca. Ampak mogoce se pa tudi ne bos...

started reading ActivityPub by Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou: ActivityPub (O'Reilly Media, Inc.) 5 stars

ActivityPub is the new standard for connecting social networks together on the social web. This …

I need a better understanding of ActivityPub protocol. As a developer and as a community organizer. Currently we are running 4 federated services at our selfhosting collective #Kompot: #mobilizon, #gancio, #peertube and #pixelfed.glitch, and improvements on #Drupal ActivityPub are on the horizon as well.