Looks interesting
Reviews and Comments
Co-host of monthly critical tech #radio show / #podcast Techno Enema, #emacs, #dactyl, #diy, #guix, working with #drupal also #communist and nudist. Part of #kompot #LibreHosting collective. #fediverse enthusiast. also #cats and #mushrooms, #foss
mastodon: @len@toot.si
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Len wants to read Dostoyevsky Reads Hegel in Siberia and Bursts into Tears by Ottilie Mulzet
Len started reading Pattern Recognition by William Gibson (unspecified) (Bigend Cycle, #1)
Len rated Viharni vrh: 4 stars

Viharni vrh by Emily Brontë, Rapa Šuklje
Wuthering Heights is an 1847 novel by Emily Brontë, initially published under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. It concerns two families …
Len rated Baron na drevesu: 5 stars

Baron na drevesu by Italo Calvino, Nataša Kos (Beletrina)
The Baron in the Trees (Italian: Il barone rampante) is a 1957 novel by Italian writer Italo Calvino. Described as …
Len started reading Clojure for the Brave and True by Daniel Higginbotham
Started reading because I'l try to write a frontend part of decoupled Drupal in clojure. It might be a lot to read since we're also reading SICP collectively at local programming bookclub.
Len reviewed Rokopis iz Zaragoze by Jan Potocki
A realy nice trip
I first read the Slovenian translation which was published in 1984 and only consists of first 14 days of Alphonse's days in Alpuhara mountains. But I was so enticed by it, that I ordered online the full version in English, which consists of 66 days and is more than 600 pages long. I enjoyed all the stories within stories within stories and twists of which the novel is full of. The Jewish Cabal and other types of mysticism made the reading a mysterious and adventurous experience. I'm still puzzled by all the connections of gypsy chief stories. I'd need a map of relations and if you by chance know one, please forward it to me. Velasquez wrote one but sadly it is not published in the book :) I highly recommend this book.
Len commented on Bifurcate by Bernard Stiegler
Read through the first chapter. It seems all over the place to me. I just can't see how economics/economy could be based on Newtnian physics ... Why technology would be preventing parents to raise their kids. I hope it gets more coherent and easier to understand later on.
Len finished reading Palestine Laboratory by Antony Loewenstein
It's hard to believe but it looks like there are no oppressive and human rights violating regimes after ww2 Izrael's military industry would not have business with and support them with their repressive endeavors. Loewenstein shows how occupation is also good for business since its products are tested on humans, but also sheds light on attempts by human rights activists and lawyers to disclose the usage of surveillance tools and international military deals, which are censored by the Israeli state.
Len started reading Palestine Laboratory by Antony Loewenstein
Doing research for my next Techno enema radio show which is going to be aired on October 1st and the guest is going to be a researcher from the field The Palestine Laboratory is talking about.
Len started reading Bifurcate by Bernard Stiegler
Kompotov tehnopoliticn bralni krozek se zacenja jutri (12. sept. 2024):
Vabljeni! Ni veliko za prebrat :)
Len wants to read Bifurcate by Bernard Stiegler
Kandidat za Kompotov tehnopoliticni bralni krozek
Len wants to read Algorithms of Resistance by Tiziano Bonini
Len finished reading Bonapartizem by Tomaž Mastnak (Oranžna zbirka)
Trumpizem, jansizem ... bonapartizem so drugi obrazi liberalizma, naslavljajo probleme, ki jih liberalizem ne more nasloviti, hkrati pa liberalna vladajoca elita hoce oziroma ohrani svoje socialne privilegije.
Len rated Bonapartizem: 4 stars

Bonapartizem by Tomaž Mastnak (Oranžna zbirka)
Bonapartizem je pojem, ki ga politološka znanost vse pogosteje uporablja za označevanje političnega dogajanja v ZDA in (vzhodni) Evropi. Uporablja …