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oakfern Locked account

Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

eva (she/her). programmer, linguist, wikipedia addict, fiber artist, visually impaired, reconstructionist jew, bi. my favorite genres are magical realism, fantasy, and romance. i also enjoy poetry and nonfiction.

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oakfern's books

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quoted Extracting the stone of madness by Alejandra Pizarnik (New Directions paperbook -- 1303)

Alejandra Pizarnik: Extracting the stone of madness (2015) 5 stars

Delicia de perderse en la imagen presentida. Yo me levanté de mi cadáver, yo fui en busca de quien soy. Peregrina de mí, he ido hacia la que duerme un país al viento.

The pleasure of losing yourself in the image foreseen. I rose from my body and went out in search of who I am. A pilgrim of myself, I have gone to the one who sleeps in the winds of her country.

Extracting the stone of madness by  (New Directions paperbook -- 1303)

From III., Alejandra Pizarnik, trans. by Yvette Siegert.

quoted Extracting the stone of madness by Alejandra Pizarnik (New Directions paperbook -- 1303)

Alejandra Pizarnik: Extracting the stone of madness (2015) 5 stars

Pero no hables de los jardines, no hables de la luna, no hables de la rosa, no hables del mar. Habla de lo que sabes. Habla de lo que vibra en tu médula y hace luces y sombras en tu mirada, habla del dolor incesante de tus huesos, habla del vértigo, habla de tu respiración, de tu desolación, de tu traición. Es tan oscuro, tan en silencio el proceso a que me obligo. Oh habla del silencio.

But don’t speak of gardens. Don’t speak of the moon. Don’t speak of roses or of the sea. Speak of what you know. Speak of the thing that rings in the marrow, that plays in your eyes with shadow and light. Speak of the endless ache in your bones. Speak of vertigo. Speak of respiration and of desolation and of your treason. It’s so dark, so silent, this process that grips me. Just speak of the silence.

Extracting the stone of madness by  (New Directions paperbook -- 1303)

From Extracción de la piedra de locura (Extracting the stone of madness), Alejandra Pizarnik, trans. by Yvette Siegert.

quoted Extracting the stone of madness by Alejandra Pizarnik (New Directions paperbook -- 1303)

Alejandra Pizarnik: Extracting the stone of madness (2015) 5 stars

La muerte azul, la muerte verde, la muerte roja, la muerte lila, en las visiones del nacimiento.

El traje azul y plata fosforescente de la plañidera en la noche medieval de toda muerte mía.

La muerte está cantando junto al río.

Y fue en la taberna del puerto que cantó la canción de la muerte.

Me voy a morir, me dijo, me voy a morir.

Al alba venid, buen amigo, al alba venid.

Nos hemos reconocido, nos hemos desaparecido, amigo el que yo más quería.

Yo, asistiendo a mi nacimiento. Yo, a mi muerte.

Y yo caminaría por todos los desiertos de este mundo y aun muerta te seguiría buscando, a ti, que fuiste el lugar del amor.

In the visions of birth: the blue death, the green death, the red death, the lilac.

The dress of the hired mourner, in phosphorescent silvers and blues, on the medieval night of each of my deaths.

And it was in the tavern by the pier that she sang her song of death.

“I’m going to die”, she told me. “I’m going to die.”

Come unto the dawn, good love, come unto the dawn.

We have recognized each other and we have disappeared, oh friend, my best beloved.

I, being present at my birth. And I, at my death.

And I would wander across all the deserts of this world, even after death, to search for you – you who were the place of love.

Extracting the stone of madness by  (New Directions paperbook -- 1303)

From El sueño de la muerte o el lugar de los cuerpos poéticos (The dream of death, or the site of the poetical bodies), Alejandra Pizarnik, trans. by Yvette Siegert.