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po3mah Locked account

Joined 1 year ago

Reading since I was conceived. 'Professional book reviewer'. My opinions about books are very important. If I say the book is shit, the book is shit, no further debate needed. Believe me bro. Sarcastic when needed. No, sarcasm is not hostiliy masked in humor, who said that? Don't believe them, they take you for fool.

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45% complete! po3mah has read 11 of 24 books.

Agata Tomažič: Čmrljev žleb (Hardcover, slovenščina language, 2022, Goga) 2 stars


2 stars

Ni mi sedla. Ne kupim, da je lahko zet razpolagal s premoženjem firme. Ne kupim, da se da izmeriti alkohol v krvi pol leta starega trupla. Zgodovinski del je .. ajde, ok, ampak pri opisu likov bistveno preveč mašil, splošnjakanja in stereotipov za moj okus. 40 strani bi bilo dovolj.