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Joined 1 year, 9 months ago

Artist and book lover. I read -mostly- Classic Literature, science fiction and everything that people recommend's me.

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Ra's books

Currently Reading

Carl Sagan: Contact (Paperback, 2019, Gallery Books) 4 stars

In December, 1999, a multinational team journeys out to the stars, to the most awesome …

[EN] [ES] Review. Contact

5 stars

[EN] Contact is a wonderful work of art written by the great Carl Sagan. In this novel, he moves away from his characteristic scientific rigor to create a futuristic novel with hints of realism. The work follows the premise of "what would happen if aliens contacted us?", from a social and globalized approach, although with certain fantasy parts. Ideal if you like space, futurism, science fiction and light novel themes.

[ES] Contacto es una maravillosa obra de arte escrita por el gran Carl Sagan. En esta novela se aleja de su característico rigor científico para producir una novela futurista con tintes de realismo. La obra sigue la premisa de “¿Qué pasaría si los extraterrestres nos contactaran?”, desde un enfoque social y globalizado, aunque con ciertas partes de fantasía. Ideal si te gustan los temas del espacio, el futurismo, la ciencia ficción y las novelas ligeras.

Michael Crichton, Michael Crichton: Prey (Hardcover, 2002, HarperCollins) 3 stars

In the Nevada desert, an experiment has gone horribly wrong. A cloud of nanoparticles—micro- robots—has …

[EN] [ES] Review. Prey

5 stars

[EN] Prey is a futuristic book, which tells us about a quasi-post-apocalytic world where artificial intelligence and machines have advanced to incredible levels and manage to self-reproduce and sustain themselves. Wonderful read if you like topics of Artificial Intelligence, futuristic novel, dystopia, RepRap and light novel. [ES] Prey es un libro futurista, que nos habla de un mundo cuasi-post-apocalíptico donde la inteligencia artificial y las máquinas han avanzado a niveles increíbles y logran auto-reproducirse y sostenerse. Maravillosa lectura si te gustan los temas de Inteligencia Artificial, novela futurista, distopía, RepRap y novela ligera.


[EN] [ES] Review. Sherlock Holmes: The hound of the Baskervilles

5 stars

EN: Great mystery book, intrigue with classic touches. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle manages to immerse you in the Baskerville mystery from the first minute. Perfect to get started in the Sherlock Holmes novels.

ES: Gran libro de misterio, intriga con toques clásicos. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle consigue sumergirte en el misterio de Baskerville desde el primer minuto. Perfecto para iniciarse en las novelas de Sherlock Holmes.