Michael Crichton, Michael Crichton: Prey (Hardcover, 2002, HarperCollins) 3 stars

In the Nevada desert, an experiment has gone horribly wrong. A cloud of nanoparticles—micro- robots—has …

[EN] [ES] Review. Prey

5 stars

[EN] Prey is a futuristic book, which tells us about a quasi-post-apocalytic world where artificial intelligence and machines have advanced to incredible levels and manage to self-reproduce and sustain themselves. Wonderful read if you like topics of Artificial Intelligence, futuristic novel, dystopia, RepRap and light novel. [ES] Prey es un libro futurista, que nos habla de un mundo cuasi-post-apocalíptico donde la inteligencia artificial y las máquinas han avanzado a niveles increíbles y logran auto-reproducirse y sostenerse. Maravillosa lectura si te gustan los temas de Inteligencia Artificial, novela futurista, distopía, RepRap y novela ligera.