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Joined 2 years, 6 months ago

he, him / Italian I didn't read much in my youth, so I'm trying to make it happen now.

My rating usage is pretty common: 1 - belongs in the dumpster 2 - supermarket book stall megasale 3 - either tries too hard or doesn't try enough, but there's some redeeming qualities 4 - finally some decent food 5 - silly! slays on every possible rank

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reviewed Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (Oscar classici moderni)

Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 (Paperback, Italian language, 1989, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.) 4 stars

Fahrenheit 451 is a 1953 dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury. Often regarded as …

Review of Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury

4 stars

I actually think this had good pacing except for the end, which felt maybe a bit rushed. But anyway go slay Montag, professional DIPPER of capitalism and fascism and whatever else was in there