
reviewed In Mercy, Rain by Seanan McGuire (Wayward Children, #7.5)

Seanan McGuire: In Mercy, Rain (EBook, 2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

Jack Walcott was only twelve years old when she and her twin sister Jill, descended …

A strange world where a mad scientist teaches his apprentice the art of bring life back to the newly dead

3 stars

(This story is part of the author's Wayward Children series, which I have never read, so I'm treating this story as it is without reference to the series.)

A story about a pair of twins who wander into another world whose main protagonist are a vampire and a 'mad' scientist, it follows one of the twins who became an apprentice to the scientist. Despite not liking things touching her bare skin, she becomes adapt in the arts of anatomy, curing ills and the ability to resurrect the newly dead. But it is all in preparation for eventually meeting her sister, who has become the daughter of the vampire. But along the way, she would have to deal with new emotions upon helping to resurrect the dead daughter of farmers and getting to know her better.