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Sally Denton: Colony - Faith and Blood in a Promised Land (2022, Liveright Publishing Corporation) No rating

Review of 'Colony - Faith and Blood in a Promised Land' on 'Goodreads'

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Threads woven together in this book: polygyny, early Mormonism, Victorian aristocracy, the Mountain Meadows Massacre, a intra-family blood feud, theological debates, El Chapo and drug cartels, Keith Raniere and NXIVM, Mexican state politics, water rights, Indigenous activists, and America’s abysmal lack of gun control. In just over 200 pages, plus 60+ pages of citations. It’s a lot.

Review of 'Heavy Burdens' on 'Goodreads'

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I haven't been an evangelical Christian for years and years, but I like to keep my eye on the people who are trying to save white evangelicalism in the US from itself. This book will be a great resource for people within white evangelicalism who are already feeling uneasy with the way that culture treats queer people. It makes effective arguments that will give them permission to, at the very least, just leave queer people alone to figure out their own faith.

I doubt it will reach people who are firmly entrenched in the anti-queer perspective that predominates in that community, but it seems like more and more people are at least starting to question it, and I hope they find their way to this book.

(Also, I cannot stop myself from saying that Bridget Eileen Rivera is so beautiful WOW.)

Marjorie Hillis: Live Alone and Like It (2005, Virago Press, Limited) No rating

"Whether you view your one-woman menage as Doom or Adventure, you need a plan, if …

Review of 'Live Alone and Like It' on 'Goodreads'

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I read a first edition (owned by a spinster artist) and I am truly shocked to discover that it's been reprinted. Aside from some really "yikes" lines and the kind of heteronormativity/ableism/etc. you'd expect, it holds up surprisingly well? I'm tickled that the chapter on which alcoholic beverages to buy and serve is more in-depth than the money matters chapter. Worth reading for the extremely 1930s-working-girl of it all. Katharine Hepburn and Jean Arthur wouldn't need this book, but a Margaret Sullavan or Ginger Rogers character would probably have had it on her bedside table.

Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, Joanna Sawatsky: Great Sex Rescue (Paperback, 2021, Baker Books) No rating

What if the way Christians talk about sex actually makes it worse? Based on a …

Review of 'Great Sex Rescue' on 'Goodreads'

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I have some issues with some of the evangelical stuff in this, but omg, this is going to help so many women. There are millions of evangelicals who need to hear the message in this book to offset all the shit they've been taught. I hope it takes off and sells a zillion copies.