tuell.bookwyrm started reading Darkwing by Kenneth Oppel (Silverwing, #0)
Darkwing by Kenneth Oppel, K. L. Thompson (Silverwing, #0)
As the sun sets on the time of the dinosaurs, a new world is left in its wake. . . …
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As the sun sets on the time of the dinosaurs, a new world is left in its wake. . . …
The Other End of the Leash shares a revolutionary, new perspective on our relationship with dogs, focusing on our behavior …
selten so eingetaucht in eine fantasiewelt. so schön das nachempfinden der gefühle der figuren ist, so schrecklich wird ab teil 2 der fokus auf die stereotype der männlichkeit verschoben. gewalt, mut, heldentum, keine ahnung von den eigenen gefühlen außer der drang in jedes offene messer zu laufen, wenn man sich damit nur fühlt. der graben zwischen den geschlechtern wird zelebriert. schade, schlussendlich dann doch keine welt in der ich mich dann noch wohlfühle, obwohl sie mich anfangs herzlich eingeladen hat.
Continues the adventures of Shade, a young bat, as he searches for his father and struggles to prevent the evil …
Continues the adventures of Shade, a young bat, as he searches for his father and struggles to prevent the evil …
When a newborn bat named Shade but sometimes called "Runt" becomes separated from his colony during migration, he grows in …
Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the world's future generations and to …
Stephen King’s Holly marks the triumphant return of beloved King character Holly Gibney. Readers have witnessed Holly’s gradual transformation from …
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” A farm is taken over by its overworked, …