ctd. “By generating and regenerating the constraint interdependencies that persist and delay dissipation, such recursive and multidimensional organizations display qualitatively different properties than physical and chemical convection cells. Processes that realize self-constraint are self-determining. They represent a major transition in evolution (Maynard Smith and Szathmary 1995) brought about by recursively organized constraints.”
“The received view of causality contends that wholes are nothing but aggregates and therefore epiphenomenal and that efficient causes are other than their effects. We cannot overemphasize the point that inter-dependencies that realize closure of constraint are not spatiotemporally “other than” the local constraints, and yet as a coherent unit, the loop exerts constraining influences on its component reactions that individual constraints do not. The effect of its influence is the realization of a higher-order dynamic with the novel property of self-constraint.
Clearly falsifying the classical prohibition against mereological self-cause, inter-dependence among constraints reveals a relation that is …
ctd. “By generating and regenerating the constraint interdependencies that persist and delay dissipation, such recursive and multidimensional organizations display qualitatively different properties than physical and chemical convection cells. Processes that realize self-constraint are self-determining. They represent a major transition in evolution (Maynard Smith and Szathmary 1995) brought about by recursively organized constraints.”
“The received view of causality contends that wholes are nothing but aggregates and therefore epiphenomenal and that efficient causes are other than their effects. We cannot overemphasize the point that inter-dependencies that realize closure of constraint are not spatiotemporally “other than” the local constraints, and yet as a coherent unit, the loop exerts constraining influences on its component reactions that individual constraints do not. The effect of its influence is the realization of a higher-order dynamic with the novel property of self-constraint.
Clearly falsifying the classical prohibition against mereological self-cause, inter-dependence among constraints reveals a relation that is simultaneously constraining and constrained, from whole to parts and parts to whole.”