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Joined 2 years ago

I mostly like #ScienceFiction and some #Fantasy. Love #Discworld, #Pern, #Dune, #Shogun, #OldMansWar.

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valen's books

Currently Reading

Anne McCaffrey: The Tower and the Hive (Tower & the Hive) (Paperback, 2000, Corgi Adult) 4 stars

With their goals of peace and prosperity close at hand, the Rowan's descendants face the …

Valen's views on The Tower and The Hive

4 stars

I just finished reading this book. It's the final book of the Tower and Hive series. The Talents manage to find a way to slow the Hiver's growth (spoiler: it's all to do with smell). The book starts with a quick refresh of previous events. It started to get somewhat murky with how many people there were to keep track of. Overall it felt somewhat anti-climactic.