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wakest's books

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the follow flow on PeerTube is totally confusing and really needs work. While on an un-logged-in instance the "Subscribe to all channels" button only has the option to follow with "Subscribe with an account on this instance" but then further down if you click on an individual channel listed on the account page it gives you a remote follow option.

Alexia De Visscher, Dick Reckard, Dušan Barok, André Castro, Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, Femke Snelting, Natacha Roussel, Michael Murtaugh, Sînziana Păltineanu, Geraldine Juárez, Dennis Pohl, ShinJoung Yeo, Matthew Fuller: Mondothèque: A Radiated Book (Dutch language, 2016, Constant) No rating

From the Introduction: This Radiated Book started three years ago with an e-mail from the …

The computer scientists' view of textual content as "unstructured", be it in a webpage or the OCR scanned pages of a book, reflect a negligence to the processes and labor of writing, editing, design, layout, typesetting, and eventually publishing, collecting and cataloging.

Mondothèque: A Radiated Book by , , , and 11 others (Page 79)

from the piece "A bag but is language nothing of words" by Michael Murtaugh

was at the event at that this was presented at but never got a chance to read the whole thing. cool to see it uploaded so figured I would add it to my list