The hunchback of Notre-Dame

Hardcover, 504 pages

English language

Published March 1, 2012 by Everyman Paperback Classics.

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4 stars (42 reviews)

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (French: Notre-Dame de Paris, lit. 'Our Lady of Paris', originally titled Notre-Dame de Paris. 1482) is a French Gothic novel by Victor Hugo, published in 1831. The novel has been described as a key text in French literature and has been adapted for film over a dozen times, as well as numerous television and stage adaptations, such as a 1923 silent film with Lon Chaney, a 1939 sound film with Charles Laughton, and a 1996 Disney animated film. The novel sought to preserve values of French culture in a time period of great change, which resulted in the destruction of many French Gothic structures and threatened to trivialise the vibrancy of 15th century France. The novel made Notre-Dame de Paris a national icon and served as a catalyst into a renewed interest in the restoration of Gothic form.

43 editions

reviewed Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo (Collection Folio classique -- 3645)

Review of 'Notre-Dame de Paris' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Lorsque j'ai lu ce classique de la littérature française, il s'agissait d'une lecture obligatoire en classe de Première, pour l'oral du bac de français. Je n'en avais pas forcément gardé de bons souvenirs, je me souvenais notamment de l'interminable description de Paris sur des dizaines de pages. Globalement, je m'étais plutôt ennuyé. Ces dernières années, je m'étais pourtant promis de laisser une seconde chance à ce roman.

C'est désormais chose faite, et je ne pourrais pas avoir une opinion plus opposée que celle que j'avais il y a vingt-cinq ans. Si certaines descriptions restent très longues, l'ensemble du roman est magnifique et m'a fait forte impression. Quasimodo qui ne m'inspirait que dégoût et pitié m'a cette fois ému, et Frollo que je voyais comme un prêtre stéréotypé m'est apparu comme le personnage complexe et passionnant qu'il est vraiment. L'adolescent que j'étais alors ne pouvait sans doute pas percevoir toutes les …

Review of 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

I have tried to read this book several times in my life. I have liked Victor Hugo since reading the abridged Les Miserables for my sophomore English high school class. I liked that novel so much, that I purchased and read the unabridged story. My parents then gifted me with a hardcover edition that contained both an abridged version of Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I never could get into Hunchback.

When I saw the book on audio, I was pleased that I would at least be able to listen to some of the book. Overall, in the end, I'm am glad that I did get through it some way, but I did not like the story and did not like the reading of it.

Ms. Christie may be very good at her acting, but I did not like her portrayal of the characters of this book. …

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