The Buried Giant

Paperback, 317 pages

Published March 2, 2015 by Knopf.

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4 stars (81 reviews)

The Buried Giant begins as a couple set off across a troubled land of mist and rain in the hope of finding a son they have not seen in years.

30 editions

Review of 'The Buried Giant' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

”What kind of god is it, sir, wishes wrongs to go forgotten and unpunished?”

This is my third Ishiguro novel, with The Remains of the Day being my first and favorite, and Never Let Me Go being my second and incredibly lackluster in my opinion. I went into this not really knowing which of the two polarizing opposites I’d land on, but aside from some really poignant and heartwrenching scenes, this landed squarely in the middle for me. I feel like there’s really two separate ideas going on here, and I felt one of the stories was way more compelling/emotional than the other, which really impacted my overall enjoyment.Spoilers follow.The story starts out focusing on Axl and Beatrice, two elderly Britons living within a community they’ve been a part of for as long as they can remember. Unfortunately, their memories don’t go back all that far for mysterious, unclear (in …

Embruixa, desconcerta, corprèn

5 stars

M'encanta aquest llibre, tot i no haver-lo entès del tot, o tot i tenir multiples interpretacions mutants. Tinc moltes ganes de rellegir-lo i veure com el interpretaré el proper cop. Estic segura que em deixarà igual de captivada, com sota un encanteri, que encara roman un bon temps després de tancar el llibre. No sé què més dir... només: llegiu-lo i digueu-me com us fa sentir!

Review of 'The Buried Giant: A novel' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is criminally underrated, it's a complete treasure.

“I was wondering, princess. Could it be our love would never have grown so strong down the years had the mist not robbed us the way it did? Perhaps it allowed old wounds to heal.”

Review of 'The Buried Giant: A novel' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A languid, post-Arthurian fantasy that follows the path of an elderly couple trying to lift the fog of forgetfulness over the land so they can remember what they assume is their great love. But what else is buried in that forgetfulness too, and how will lifting it affect the world? I really enjoyed the uncovering of the secrets buried in this story. I was often drawn back to thinking about the book while doing other things. Read for a slow, warm feeling in your heart, but don't expect a Hollywood ending.

Review of 'The Buried Giant' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I enjoyed the themes of this story more than the story itself. It has a fable/myth feel that kept me at a distance from the characters and meant that the dialogue was often unrealistic in the way old-timey stuff is. I didn’t enjoy that. But the topic of memory, in a whole range of contexts, was thought provoking. War and revenge, marriage woes, grief, regrets - are we better off not remembering those things? I don’t think Ishiguro answers that, he just presents the question.

Review of 'The Buried Giant' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This story takes place in ancient England, where a mist keeps people from remembering the past. An elderly couple remembers that they have a son, and they decide to go visit him. Surely he's in a village just a few days away. On the way there, they have some adventures (as you do in a story like this), and there are clues that some of the things that have been forgotten about the past are pretty terrible.

To address a few things I've seen mentioned about this book: yes, the plot is a little slow. I never got bored though, because I was always wondering about the events in the past were being covered up but hinted at.

Yes, the protagonist does call his wife "Princess" constantly. Have you ever been around an old couple? It's meant to show how much he loves her.

Yes, the language in this book …

Review of 'The Buried Giant' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

3.5 stars

The story that happens somewhere in England during the Iron Age. The legendary King Arthur, the war leader that defeated the Saxons, is long dead. Britons and Saxons live together in peace for about a generation, in a land of dragons and ogres and elves and pixies, forgetful of the violence and the slaughter of the war.

But then something happens, and all hell breaks loose.

The Buried Giant is not a historical novel, and it’s not exactly a fantasy one. The story takes place in a pre-scientific, superstitious era where people believed that there were strange forces around, such as pixies which are associated with illness and death. It was a way to explain phenomena that could not otherwise be explained and Ishiguro quite dexterously incorporated these forces in the background of his novel.

The Buried Giant is a story of love and societal loss of memory. …

Review of 'The Buried Giant: A novel' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I'll admit that I only picked this book up to hold me over as some of my other books came off hold at the library. But it absolutely blew me away. It takes the classic storytelling of a heroic adventure tale in a medieval setting and winds themes of honor, loss, regret, and the complexities of love. This was a truly touching story and I can't recommend it enough.

Review of 'The Buried Giant: A novel' on Goodreads

3 stars

On the surface the story seems simple enough: in medieval England, plagued by a magic that causes everyone to forget the things that happened in the recent and distant past, an old couple decides to travel to a nearby village to visit their son whom they haven't seen in a very long time. However, this being Kazuo Ishiguro, there's so much more to what's really going on.

Much of the story's mystery stems, not from why they can't remember, but from what it actually is they have forgotten. Slowly, as the story progresses, we are given pieces of the couple's, as well as the country's, past. Along the way, they meet up with several other characters who also have a role to play in this forgetfulness and in trying to find a way to undo it.

While there are dragons, ogres, pixies, magic, and a devil dog, this is not …

Review of 'The Buried Giant: A novel' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I loved this book, although I’m not sure I could recommend it to most people. The writing is gorgeous and rich, the story is long and convoluted, the characters are simple and complicated. In an interview Ishiguro talked about his fascination with the original tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. That’s all I needed to know to “get” this book. If you love that tale you will probably love this one.

Review of 'The Buried Giant: A novel' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Kazuo Ishiguro's magical realism and Kafka-esque prose is a brilliant pairing for The Buried Giant's heady themes. Like the specter of a half-forgotten reverie, Ishiguro leads readers on a metaphysical journey to remind us of the importance of memory. At times, Ishiguro's text reads like a Hayao Miyazaki film: at times, The Buried Giant is a breathless, effervescent fairy tale. At others, the novel is as bleak and dark as the epics of Roland and Beowulf. While Ishiguro sometimes sacrifices pace for lyrical description, the novel provides a compelling reinterpretation of modern fantasy.

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