Mission Economy

paperback, 212 pages

Published by ALLEN LANE.

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4 stars (10 reviews)

4 editions


4 stars

It's interesting to come across a progressive take on the economy that doesn't just come out of the gate screaming, "capitalism=bad, we need socialism now!" and instead argues that the existing system can work towards progressive causes. It was even more interesting to have the past re-framed in a way to show that we have already done what the author is pitching for.

The central argument here is that the government (and while there are mentions of the UK and a few other countries, this is largely an American-centric focus) should be more proactive in engaging with private businesses. Rather than being the lender of last resort (see the '08 bank bailouts), the government should state a measurable and easily defined goal, then spur investments in pursuit of that goal with the idea that multiple different sectors of the market will follow afterwards. The primary example used through the book …

Review of 'Mission Economy' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Capitalism is, indeed, in crisis. But the good news is that we can do better. We know from the past that public and private actors can come together to do extraordinary things.

Mariana Mazzucato (1968) is één van de toonaangevende economen op het internationale forum. In Mission economy stelt ze de keerzijde van het kapitalisme aan de kaak, die volgens haar het gevolg is van een verkeerde rolverdeling tussen overheid en bedrijfsleven. Het vertrouwen in het bedrijfsleven om maatschappelijke problemen op te lossen is volgens Mazzucato onterecht. Privatisering en het uitbesteden van overheidsprojecten hebben niet geleid tot meer efficiëntie, maar juist tot hogere kosten, slechtere dienstverlening, selectievere aanbesteding en een systeem waarin beloningen ten goede komen aan de private sector en de risico’s op last van de samenleving. Doordat bedrijven in de huidige, op winst gerichte economie ieder voor zich werken, scheppen ze bovendien nieuwe maatschappelijke problemen, variërend van overbevissing …

a pitch and not much more

3 stars

This book is easy to read and has a compelling central idea. It talks about what made the moon race work so well and indicates how to replicate the success. However, I worry that through the very writing of this book, the very mission-ness of the idea gets lost. I am sure that McKinsey already has a long presentation deck on what makes a mission a mission and how to properly set up a mission and execute it (and spend billions in the process). Using the moon race as an example is easy because it obviously succeeded and happened a long time ago, but it's also a cop-out to not have to say why similar efforts (many of them started with the advice of Mazzucato herself) are failing. The contemporary examples she cites are not compelling; she points towards the "Energiewende" (energy turn) in Germany as a positive example, a …

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