The Eye of the World

Book One of The Wheel of Time

mass market paperback, 864 pages

Published Oct. 29, 2019 by Tor Fantasy.

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4 stars (50 reviews)

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

40 editions

De la fantasy mais en même temps pas totalement et du coup c'est cool

3 stars

Cette série de romans commencée dans les années 90 m’a été conseillée par une amie ; j’ignorais totalement son existence.

C’était il y a quelques mois, depuis j’ai lu les trois premiers tomes et je progresse actuellement dans le quatrième. Mon avis : ce sont de bons romans, avec des aspects assez classiques du genre fantasy, mais tout de même quelques aspects qui le mettent à part ; l’auteur dévoile petit à petit un univers large et assez fascinant, qui garde malgré tout une part de mystère. Le style est plus moderne que le Seigneur des anneaux et, le scénario, même s’il n’y paraît pas à première vue, est moins manichéen.

Pour introduire un peu ce qui se passe (sans spoiler) : nous vivons dans un monde qui croit de façon quasi universelle en l’existence de la Roue du Temps, un phénomène qui reste mal défini mais qui consiste en …

Review of 'The Eye of the World' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Damn, I am blown away!

I was a little afraid at first, but The Eye of the World has such accessible writing, everyone can (and should) enjoy it at some point.

The worldbuilding is sublime, the characters are flawed but great and the plot was slow at first but picked up fairly quickly.
The mix of breathtakingly-fast action sequences, clever put in lore bits and pieces and the more lighthearted passages were super enjoyable.

And this was just the beginning...

reviewed Eye of the World by Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time (1))

It is long and occupied my attention for the amount of time it took to read

No rating

I started reading the first book of the Wheel of Time series back when I was an internet teen with an internet crush on an internet guy with the username Lews Therin Telemon on internet forums and I thought it would be cool to like the same things he liked, or something. After several months of a global pandemic and general disaster I thought it'd be fun to get back into them as a goof or something, but joke's on me because a month and a half later, I'm still with it.

Anyway, what am I going to say about this ~NYT #1 bestselling epic fantasy whatever~ that hasn't already been said? There's a lot of neat stuff in the WoT mythology, and also a lot of eyerolly cisheteronormative stuff, and all the baby teen characters in this book are very annoying and bad at communicating with one another, but …

Review of 'The Eye Of The World' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Posted Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Actual Rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars

Originally posted on Reviews from a Self Proclaimed Bibliophile.

This read-through has been a long time coming, but it has finally begun and I have to admit that I couldn't be happier with this book – an excellent introduction into the world of The Wheel of Time. The story follows the lives of three young men from the village of Two Rivers in Emond’s Field, an area which is regarded as farm country, who become entangled in the fate of their entire world. They come to be known as ta’veren – people around whom the Wheel of Time specifically weaves the Pattern with all surrounding life-threads. While I understand the focus on Rand, Mat, and Perrin as the ta’veren, I didn’t feel as if the other characters suffered or were forgotten or came across …

Review of 'The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time)' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

Simply in-cred-ible. THIS is what I wanted when I picked up the George R. R. Martin books. Epic fantasy with complex main characters (I really like how the aes sedai are both respected and hated/feared at the same time), but without killing off all your favorites. I couldn't put this down. I keep hearing negative comments on the middle books on this series, but I will continue on anyway. There were many aspects of this world that reminded me of LOTR, which may explain why I liked it so much.

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