Paperback, 288 pages

Published by Seix Barral.

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4 stars (20 reviews)

5 editions

Review of 'Heaven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

és fortíssima aquesta dona, a poca gent li he llegit escenes tan fortes, tenses i brutals com a ella. UNA DE LES ESCENES FINALS AHHH. enfi, si voleu llegir-la podeu entrar-hi per qualsevol de les seves novel•les la veritat, aquesta és curteta i tracta sobre el bullying a l’institut, però amb personatges que se’t queden ben endins.

Review of 'Heaven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This was a really fascinating read. Once I got to the part where the boy talks to one of his bullies I was like, ohhh okay, this is what we’re doing. This story is using bullying to do a philosophical exploration of suffering and what it means, among other things.

I held back from 5 stars for a couple reasons. Having a lazy eye is not the same as being blind, but I wondered about the metaphorical use of the eye here and whether it’s, to use the dreaded word, problematic and ableist, even while the message of the story largely pushes against that. I also wasn’t sure how I felt about Kojima’s passive role as a woman. That’s it - I’m not sure how I feel about those things. Not especially strong feelings either way.

Putting that aside, this was an engaging way to think about this topic. It …

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