El gran robo del tren / The Great Train Robbery

mass market paperback, 280 pages

Published March 30, 2006 by Debolsillo.

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4 stars (29 reviews)

"England, 1855. The days of Queen Victoria. Once a month a train roars toward the channel laden with a fantastic shipment of gold. The train is guarded. The two safes are invulnerable...Yet Edward Pierce, a handsome, redbearded rogue, will have his way. In his plan he will choose one companion--a beautiful and dangerous woman. He will commit one of the most shocking crimes of the century."

27 editions

Review of 'The Great Train Robbery' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

While this is an enticing story full of twists and turns and daring subterfuge and historical details, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't already been familiar with the /actual/ Great Train Robbery, which bears very little similarity to the story described here except in high level details, which led me to wonder about the truth of all the rest of the so-called historical details. I agree with the comment Greg made on the Futility Closet podcast episode about the Great Train Robbery questioning why Chrichton didn't use the real story as the basis for the novel because that's just as much of a thriller.

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