Posledná plavba lode Wager

Príbeh o stroskotaní, vzbure a vražde

Paperback, 380 pages

Slovak language

Published 2024 by Absynt.

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4 stars (29 reviews)

Torzo posádky lode, ktorá stroskotala na opustenom divokom ostrove – to je vlastne obraz ľudstva ako takého. Železná hierarchia, napätie, antipatie, oddanosť na život a na smrť, ale aj vzbura, vražda a nezlomná viera v impérium. Nie je to hotový film?! Vie to aj Martin Scorsese, ktorý na základe knihy Davida Granna Posledná plavba lode Wager pripravuje svoj ďalší film. A chýbať pri ňom nebude ani Leonardo Di Caprio.

David Grann, autor mimoriadneho dokumentárneho románu Vrahovia mesiaca kvetov nám vo svojej najnovšej knihe prináša pohľad do krutého i romantického „dreveného sveta“ dávnych zaoceánskych lodí. Napnite plachty, začína sa nezvyčajný príbeh jednej lode a jej stroskotania!

V januári 1742 sa pri pobreží Brazílie vyplavila chatrná loď pozliepaná z úlomkov dreva a látky. Na jej palube bolo tridsať vychudnutých mužov, ktorí žili už len z posledných síl. Za sebou totiž mali neobyčajný príbeh. Boli to preživší z britskej lode Wager, ktorá v …

8 editions

a stunning account

4 stars

An incredible account from the author of Killers of a Flower Moon. I'm in awe of the work required to collate and then articulate this story almost as much as the events themselves.

The Wager is a harrowing tale of perseverance, discipline, brutality, hubris, and survival that illustrates and brings to life humanity at its extremes.

Pretty good

3 stars

I usually like stories of shipwrecks and such but this one went off on tangents too much for me. Especially towards the end, a few other stories are discussed that I felt were unnecessary. Without a lot of history knowledge most of the other stories were new to me as well and kind of distracting. Apart from that I enjoyed it.

Well Written, But Fizzles at the End

3 stars

Very well written and, after a somewhat slow start, gets the reader very interested in the personalities and story. Cheap, Bulkeley, and Byron were all well drawn and distinct.

I enjoyed the novelistic history format and the tighter focus compared to Killers of the Flower Moon, and I was thinking four stars right up until the last fifth or so. The trial is a fizzling anticlimax. I get that it's a history book and Grann can't change what happened, but he chose the subject and the structure of the book. The trial felt like a let down after all the buildup of the shipwreck and the conflicting accounts.

Review of 'The Wager' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

 In a novel I read years ago, a woman described a certain type of men as being the kind who like to sit in comfortable armchairs and read about sailors circling the earth, often alone. Being me, I've always been a little wary of reading such books, though I know I'm reversing cause and effect, and I doubt I'd have sought out [a:David Grann|1431785|David Grann|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1678988439p2/1431785.jpg]'s [b:The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder|61714633|The Wager A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder|David Grann|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1659407155l/61714633.SY75.jpg|97290386]. It was the choice of my library's book club.
 Grann is in the news at the moment because he also wrote [b:Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI|29496076|Killers of the Flower Moon The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI|David Grann|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1470699853l/29496076.SY75.jpg|49782213], which is out as a movie now.
The Wager is fascinating and if …

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  • nyt:combined-print-and-e-book-nonfiction=2023-05-07
  • New York Times bestseller
  • Great britain, history, 1714-1837
  • Mass murder
  • Shipwrecks
  • Mutiny
