Girl at war

a novel

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Sara Nović: Girl at war (2015)

English language

Published Sept. 7, 2015

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4 stars (12 reviews)

When her happy life in 1991 Croatia is shattered by civil war, ten-year-old Ana Juric is embroiled in a world of guerilla warfare and child soldiers before making a daring escape to America, where years later she struggles to hide her past.

1 edition

Review of 'Girl at war' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Der erste Teil, in dem die Erzählerin 10 ist, also ungefähr das erste Drittel, fand ich sehr gut. Danach bin ich mit dem Stil schlecht klargekommen. Ich kann nicht benennen, woran das liegt, aber in den Kindheitsepisoden wurde ich nicht ständig durch technische Störungen aus der Fiktion herausgerissen. Danach klingt alles seltsam zusammengefasst und holprig, und auch die "junge Frau und verschiedene junge Männer machen dies und das für die Uni, telefonieren und lesen Bücher und gehen in Clubs"-Handlung dieses Erwachsenenteils liest sich für mich wie Aufenthaltsstipendiumsprosa, tut mir leid. Vorne vier Sterne, hinten zwei.

Review of 'Girl at war' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

I put my elbows on the counter to get the clerk’s attention. Mr. Petrović knew me and knew what I wanted, but today his smile looked more like a smirk. “Do you want Serbian cigarettes or Croatian ones?” The way he stressed the two nationalities sounded unnatural. I had heard people on the news talking about Serbs and Croats this way because of the fighting in the villages, but no one had ever said anything to me directly. And I didn’t want to buy the wrong kind of cigarettes. “Can I have the ones I always get, please?” “Serbian or Croatian?” “You know. The gold wrapper?” I tried to see around his bulk, pointing to the shelf behind him. But he just laughed and waved to another customer, who sneered at me. “Hey!” I tried to get the clerk’s attention back. He ignored me and made change for the next …

Review of 'Girl at war' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I put my elbows on the counter to get the clerk’s attention. Mr. Petrović knew me and knew what I wanted, but today his smile looked more like a smirk. “Do you want Serbian cigarettes or Croatian ones?” The way he stressed the two nationalities sounded unnatural. I had heard people on the news talking about Serbs and Croats this way because of the fighting in the villages, but no one had ever said anything to me directly. And I didn’t want to buy the wrong kind of cigarettes. “Can I have the ones I always get, please?” “Serbian or Croatian?” “You know. The gold wrapper?” I tried to see around his bulk, pointing to the shelf behind him. But he just laughed and waved to another customer, who sneered at me. “Hey!” I tried to get the clerk’s attention back. He ignored me and made change for the next …

Review of 'Girl at war' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

I put my elbows on the counter to get the clerk’s attention. Mr. Petrović knew me and knew what I wanted, but today his smile looked more like a smirk. “Do you want Serbian cigarettes or Croatian ones?” The way he stressed the two nationalities sounded unnatural. I had heard people on the news talking about Serbs and Croats this way because of the fighting in the villages, but no one had ever said anything to me directly. And I didn’t want to buy the wrong kind of cigarettes. “Can I have the ones I always get, please?” “Serbian or Croatian?” “You know. The gold wrapper?” I tried to see around his bulk, pointing to the shelf behind him. But he just laughed and waved to another customer, who sneered at me. “Hey!” I tried to get the clerk’s attention back. He ignored me and made change for the next …

Review of 'Girl at war' on 'Storygraph'

2 stars

Wow, I think that may be the first book I actually took off my "must read library books" shelf. Nicely done!

This was disappointing. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting, but this didn't deliver. I was fascinated by the topic, as I really don't know much (er, anything) about Croatia, but the story itself fell flat. The ending in particular just went...nowhere. So weird.

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  • Fiction
  • History


  • Croatia