Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions

paperback, 63 pages

English language

Published Sept. 7, 2018 by Vintage Canada.

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4 stars (22 reviews)


Teach her self-reliance. •Teach her to love books. Teach her to ask questions.' Feminism and femininity are not mutually exclusive. • Never speak of marriage as an achievement.' Teach her about difference. Make difference ordinary. • Teach her about privilege and Inequality and the importance Of giving dignity to everyone. • Measure her on a scale of being the best version of herself Give her a sense of Identity. It matters. --back cover

11 editions

Review of 'Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Ich fand dieses Buch allemal informativer als "We should all be feminists". Die Ansätze waren besser und man bekommt quasi eine "Anleitung" für die Erziehung einer Tochter. Zwar gab es die ein oder andere Stelle, bei der ich die Meinung der Autorin nicht geteilt habe, aber insgesamt kann ich dieses Buch nur empfehlen. Meiner Meinung nach wäre es auch ein perfektes Geschenk zur Geburt einer Tochter.
Ich wünsche mir jetzt allerdings noch ein Buch darüber, wie man Jungs zu Feministen erziehen kann, da zwar viele Mädchen schon sehr modern erzogen werden, Jungs dagegen noch ziemlich stereotypisch.

Ich kann jedenfalls meinen Eltern nur dafür danken, dass sie mich und meine Schwester niemals in irgendwelche Geschlechterrollen gezwängt haben.

Review of 'Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book is a letter from the author to her friend's newly-born child, as she grows up a woman. It's on feminism and is straight-forward, but not narrow-minded enough not to use examples of what they mean.

I dig the rhythm of the short book, which is apparent from the start:

Dear Ijeawele, What joy. And what lovely names: Chizalum Adaora. She is so beautiful. Only a week old and she already looks curious about the world. What a magnificent thing you have done, bringing a human being into the world. ‘Congratulations’ feels too slight. Your note made me cry. You know how I get foolishly emotional sometimes. Please know that I take your charge – how to raise her feminist – very seriously. And I understand what you mean by not always knowing what the feminist response to situations should be. For me, feminism is always contextual. I don’t …

Review of 'Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

This book is a letter from the author to her friend's newly-born child, as she grows up a woman. It's on feminism and is straight-forward, but not narrow-minded enough not to use examples of what they mean.

I dig the rhythm of the short book, which is apparent from the start:

Dear Ijeawele, What joy. And what lovely names: Chizalum Adaora. She is so beautiful. Only a week old and she already looks curious about the world. What a magnificent thing you have done, bringing a human being into the world. ‘Congratulations’ feels too slight. Your note made me cry. You know how I get foolishly emotional sometimes. Please know that I take your charge – how to raise her feminist – very seriously. And I understand what you mean by not always knowing what the feminist response to situations should be. For me, feminism is always contextual. I don’t …
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