Sur ma peau


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Gillian Flynn: Sur ma peau (French language, 2008, Éd. France loisirs)

400 pages

French language

Published Oct. 10, 2008 by Éd. France loisirs.

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4 stars (69 reviews)

La ville de Wind Gap dans le Missouri est sous le choc: une petite fille a disparu. Déjà l'été dernier, une enfant avait été enlevée. On l'avait retrouvée peu après, étranglée ... La jeune journaliste Camille Preaker, qui a grandi à Wind Gap, est envoyée sur place pour couvrir l'affaire.

34 editions

Not for the fainthearted

3 stars

Recently going to see Gone Girl at the cinema reminded me that I still had Sharp Objects languishing unread on our Kindle. It's the third Gillian Flynn novel I have read but apparently the first she wrote. The storyline here is definitely not for the fainthearted and at points I felt quite queasy reading it. The central theme of two girls in a small town in Missouri being murdered is obviously horrific, but having read several crime thrillers over the years, I have pretty much become immune to the emotional pull of murdered young fictional women and girls. It feels bizarre writing that but so many novels start with such a death that it is almost a prerequisite. Where Sharp Objects differs is that our viewpoint into the story comes via Camille, a journalist sent back to cover the story unfolding in her hometown. Camille not only has self harmed …

reviewed Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Not my cup of tea

1 star

Oh, this was not my favorite, I’m afraid. Sharp Objects is skillfully written but the story is much darker than I’d normally go for (I read it for a book club), and the heroine just struggled throughout - I never felt happy for her and I had trouble relating to her, so, in the end, it felt like witnessing the life of someone I cared for but couldn’t connect with just unravel, in truly awful ways, while I could do nothing but watch. I didn’t enjoy it. Like the many descriptions of vomiting in the story, reading it felt like tasting bile for hours.

I didn’t like any of the characters (except her editor back in Chicago). The small town’s inhabitants are pretty uniformly characterized as uneducated, troubled, and driven to alcoholism, addiction, and escapism. I found this whole side of the book to be fairly insulting to small towns. …

Review of 'Sharp Objects' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This was readable. The writing was good, the characters interesting, the story compelling.


The whole thing kind of disintegrated in sensationalism and was so over the top it became almost laughable. It would have been much better as a character study. It would have been more enjoyable had it been realistic and hadn't just gone for the cheap thrill. The big reveal and twist at the end, OMG!!! I'm not really into that kind of thing. I'm not sure if that is this author's particular shtick; I haven't read Gone Girl and don't plan on it. But it's a waste of talent if it is.

Review of 'Sharp Objects' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

That was a great mystery/thriller!

I'm not used to reading this genre, and I probably would've never picked it up if it wasn't for the masterful HBO series Sharp Objects. I watched the first episode and I was SO intrigued that when I saw it was based on a book, I immediately purchased and started reading it, because I was not about to WAIT to see what happened. Ain't nobody got time for that.

It was a great read, though I feel like the ending was kind of rushed past, after the "mystery" was thought to be resolved. It was so much so that when it was revealed who the true killer was, I was a bit like "wait what now?". Up until the last 10% of the book though, it's absolutely great!

I also felt like I was being tricked and not in a good way... In retrospect, it …

Review of 'Sharp objects' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I'm still processing how I felt about this book. Don't mistake five stars to signify enjoyment, rather it's respect: Gillian Flynn is doing something different. As far as I can tell, she's doing something different and creative and she's the best in her genre. I've never experienced anything quite like it.

Do I like it? I mean, I guess. I mean, kind of. I mean, I definitely wouldn't torture myself by rereading this book. I found it compulsive reading. Literally -- I would try to put it down, but I would keep thinking about it, about the characters, about the atmosphere, until I just had to pick it up and read more. It was the most disturbing thing I've ever read. You know how, when you're a tween/young teenager, and you and your friends tell gross out stories, because you've realized that the world can be dark and you're …

Review of 'Sharp Objects' on 'Goodreads'

1 star


Gillian Flynn should stick to writing for Entertainment Weekly. This book sucked. I know the protagonist doesn't have to follow Webster's definition of a clean-cut "good person", but this chick (Camille Preaker) was just awful. And everything that happened was so unrealistic, I just couldn't get into it. It read like some misguided, messed up sexual fantasy that's not based on the real world.

Total waste of time.

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