The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter that follows mischievous and disobedient young Peter Rabbit as he gets into, and is chased around, the garden of Mr. McGregor. He escapes and returns home to his mother, who puts him to bed after offering him chamomile-tea. The tale was written for five-year-old Noel Moore, son of Potter's former governess Annie Carter Moore, in 1893. It was revised and privately printed by Potter in 1901 after several publishers' rejections, but was printed in a trade edition by Frederick Warne & Co. in 1902. The book was a success, and multiple reprints were issued in the years immediately following its debut. It has been translated into 36 languages, and with 45 million copies sold it is one of the best-selling books in history.Since its release, the book has generated considerable merchandise for both children and β¦
The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter that follows mischievous and disobedient young Peter Rabbit as he gets into, and is chased around, the garden of Mr. McGregor. He escapes and returns home to his mother, who puts him to bed after offering him chamomile-tea. The tale was written for five-year-old Noel Moore, son of Potter's former governess Annie Carter Moore, in 1893. It was revised and privately printed by Potter in 1901 after several publishers' rejections, but was printed in a trade edition by Frederick Warne & Co. in 1902. The book was a success, and multiple reprints were issued in the years immediately following its debut. It has been translated into 36 languages, and with 45 million copies sold it is one of the best-selling books in history.Since its release, the book has generated considerable merchandise for both children and adults, including toys, dishes, foods, clothing, and videos. Potter was one of the first to be responsible for such merchandise when she patented a Peter Rabbit doll in 1903 and followed it almost immediately with a Peter Rabbit board game.
Peter Rabbit has remained popular amongst children for more than a century and continues to be adapted and expanded through new book editions, television and film.
Review of 'The Complete Adventures of Peter Rabbit' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Not bad, nice little stories, I always thought Peter Rabbit was a cocky little creature but turns out he was really traumatised by his experience in Mr McGregor's garden, you really see this in the Benjamin bunny story, my daughter thought it was really sad.
The first 3 stories are short but the last one about Mr Tod feels epic, the pictures in that story amazing, especially the brutal fight between the fox and the badger. Love me a bit of violence in kids books.
Enjoyed this more than I expected, maybe a tad disappointed with how short the actual Peter rabbit story was.