Paperback, 624 pages

English language

Published Jan. 3, 2012 by Ballantine Books.

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4 stars (40 reviews)

The great viral plague had left a small group of survivors clinging to life amidst a world transformed into a nightmare. Led by the mysterious, charismatic Amy, they go on the attack, leading an insurrection against the virals--the first offensives of the Second Viral War--infiltrating a dozen hives, each presided over by one of the original Twelve. Their secret weapon: Alicia, transformed at the end of book one into a half human, half viral--but whose side, in the end, is she really on?

20 editions

reviewed The Twelve by Justin Cronin (The Passage Trilogy, #2)

Review of 'The twelve' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

4.5 stars, rounded up.

I enjoyed this one once it got going. A good chunk at the beginning is giving the backstory to a lot of characters from the first book. A LOT of backstory. It was a bit much for my taste.

And some things were a bit too neat, but that's not an overall issue with this book. It's still an interesting mix of genres.

I'm looking forward to the conclusion

reviewed The Twelve by Justin Cronin (The Passage Trilogy, #2)

Review of 'The twelve' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

перша книжка була цікава. це продовження — нудотне пережовування, або принаймні так мені видалося на 20-30% прочитаного. покинув.

reviewed The Twelve by Justin Cronin (The Passage Trilogy, #2)

Review of 'The Twelve' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

There were a few places where I thought a particular chapter went on a bit too long and bogged down in a bit too much detail, but overall I think it's a very good read. The plot and character development are top notch and I am eager for the last book in the series to hit the shelves.

reviewed The Twelve by Justin Cronin (The Passage Trilogy, #2)

Review of 'The twelve' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Nous y voilà ! La suite du Passage reprend l’action à notre époque, alors que le virus s’est propagé et que les douze cobayes condamnés à mort se sont évaporés dans la nature, semant la mort et la contagion. Une très longue première partie nous plonge dans cette période de terreur et de désespoir, et met en scène de nombreux personnages attachants dont certains joueront un rôle primordial dans la suite des événements, un siècle plus tard. L’auteur nous avait laissés en plan avec son cliffhanger du premier volume, et fait durer le plaisir en prenant son temps avec ce long mais passionnant flashback. La seconde partie, sous forme d’interlude bien plus court, relate un épisode tragique ayant lieu une quinzaine d’année avant la réapparition d’Amy, tandis que l’action de la troisième reprend cinq ans après le massacre de Roswell. Et tout se remet alors en place. Cinq ans après …

reviewed The Twelve by Justin Cronin (The Passage Trilogy, #2)

Review of 'The Twelve' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

A very different novel from The Passage. Probably not as good, but still a very good book.

Much of the opening of the novel works like a prequel, going back to the chaotic aftermath of Year Zero. And when it gets back to the present day, the novel often focuses on how humanity is still surviving in Texas and elsewhere. It takes a while for the action of the book to focus in on the titular twelve original lab virals, but when it does, holy crap is it good.

The major problem that I had with The Passage remains, which is that the main characters always seem borderline indestructible. There's even one part in The Twelve where it's pointed out that there is no logical reason for a character to have survived, but whatever, there he is. If the books weren't so amazing, this would be a problem. But Cronin's …

reviewed The Twelve by Justin Cronin (The Passage Trilogy, #2)

Review of 'The twelve' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I recently read The Passage this year so I was lucky I didn’t have to wait as long as everyone else for book two; The Twelve. I was privileged to win an advanced review copy so I need to be careful in reviewing this book without any spoilers. As many people would already know The Twelve continues on with the epic tale that The Passage built. This time we have a whole lot of new characters to read about as they struggle to survive in this nightmarish world of virals.

One of my biggest issues with The Passage is the same issue I’ve had with this book; which is the fact that I really struggled to keep the characters in order. Granted all the characters had a wonderful amount of depth to them but because there are so many characters, it sometimes becomes a struggle keeping up with them. I …

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  • Survival
  • Fiction
  • Human experimentation in medicine
  • Virus diseases
  • End of the world