Prelude to Foundation

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Isaac Asimov: Prelude to Foundation (Paperback, American English language, 1989, Grafton)

Paperback, 461 pages

American English, English language

Published Aug. 10, 1989 by Grafton.

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4 stars (56 reviews)

Prelude to Foundation is a novel by American writer Isaac Asimov, published in 1988. It is one of two prequels to the Foundation series. For the first time, Asimov chronicles the fictional life of Hari Seldon, the man who invented psychohistory and the intellectual hero of the series. The novel was nominated for the Locus Award.

11 editions

Return to form

4 stars

I enjoyed Foundation and Earth. Another reviewer pointed out that Asimov had written the series into a corner with nowhere to go. However, I would have enjoyed learning more about how the Galaxy evolved after "the decision".

That said, this book is an excellent prequel. Delving into Hari Seldon's first conception of Psychohistory and his initial time on Trantor. Going on the run from forces that want to control psychohistory he learns about the conditions on Trantor, history and different cultures that help him develop Psychohistory into a practical science.

The book also sheds light on events that happen in the previous books.

Hari Seldonen psikohistoriaren lehen pausoak

5 stars

Isaac Asimovek jatorrizko Fundazioa trilogia idatzi zuenetik hiru hamarkada igaro ondoren seriea osatzeko beste lau liburu argitaratu zituen. Prelude to foundationen Hari Seldonen, psikohistoriaren sortzailearen, lehen pausoak azaltzen ditu.

Bere horretan entretenigarria izan badaiteke ere, Asimoven gainerako idazlanak ezagutzeak gozatzen laguntzen du.

Hari Seldonen eta Dors Venabiliren ibilbidea jarraituz, Inperioko buru den Trantor planetako kulturak, eta beraien arazoak agertzen dira liburuan: emakumeen bazterketa, klase sozialen arteko diferentziak eta arrazismoa...

Review of 'Prelude to Foundation (Foundation: Prequel, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is the 6th book in order of publication, but the first in terms of internal chronology, and I think a return to form after two weaker novels in the series. Asimov took the story forward in Foundation's Edge and Foundation and Earth, but kind of wrote himself into a corner where he could not see any way forward. So he decided to go back and look at how it all began. A young mathematician named Hari Seldon presents a paper at a conference, and then is called to see the Emporer himself. The Emperor believes that Seldon can predict the future, and wants to take advantage of that power. Seldon protests that he can do no such thing, that he only showed that there would be a theoretical possibility that some day people might be able to see something of the broad sweep of future history. Then Seldon …

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