johanna reviewed The Epic of Gilgamesh by Anonymous
it's about the mortality, not the gay romance
5 stars
Content warning spoiler up to (+ including) chapter 10
i don't even care that this story is gay. even if the relationship was less explicitly compared to that of soulmates or married couples i would still love it? for me the story doesn't become boring in the second half; that's the most interesting part of the story. gilgamesh doing anything he can to achieve immortality and ulitimately finding out that it's hopeless – that's why i even started to read it. If you are looking for a gay romance go read a gay romance novel. It's honestly on you (or whoever falsely advertised this poem to you) if you are disappointed by the relationship in the story.
I did not give him up for burial, until a maggot fell from his nostril
This DOES show a deep love between the two characters, and great grief on gilgamesh's part. I've also seen someone saying "he doesn't even pursue immortality for his dead lover". I wouldn't like it if he did. His lover and the first guy to be his equal in strength dies randomly. It makes him think, for the first time, about his own mortality and he is terrified. That's way more realistic and timeless.
The case of my friend Enkidu [was too much for me to bear,] so on a distant path [I roam the wild.] [(For) I,] how could I stay silent? How could I stay quiet? My friend, whom I love, has turned to clay, my friend Enkidu, [whom I love, has turned to clay.] [Shall] not I be like him and also lie down, never to rise again, through all [eternity?]