Review of 'SUMMARY of Book Lovers by Emily Henry' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
more chick-lit the romance, and I was expacting romance.
Zack BERTSON: SUMMARY of Book Lovers by Emily Henry (2022, Independently Published)
English language
Published Oct. 12, 2022 by Independently Published.
more chick-lit the romance, and I was expacting romance.
Książka dobra do rozkręcenia czytania po angielsku. Fabuła - przewidywalna od pierwszych stron, nudni bohaterowie, nic szczególnego.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a light and fun read. I really liked how aptly the notions of Nora, the protagonist are written. Just loved how inner monologues are written, so real. It is easy to relate to the characters.
So, unpopular opinion time, but I really think Emily Henry just isn't for me. I didn't enjoy the last book I read from her, but the plot of this one interested me more so I figured it had to be better. But 200 pages into this I was just so bored that I had to put it down and read a different book in order to summon the courage to finish this. The characters and relationship were so flat to me. It felt like I read 350 pages of nothing actually happening? 3 stars because Frigid is probably a book I actually would want to read and because at least the main character wasn't as insufferable as the last one.
Needed a good romance to read fast, and it was !
I liked the setting in a small town (with love declarations to New York lol could not be me a big city lover), during a vacation between sisters, and the romance was entertaining and cute^^