
A Novel

mass market paperback, 480 pages

Published Nov. 28, 2017 by Pocket Books.

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4 stars (50 reviews)

In a small New England town over half a century ago, a boy is playing with his new toy soldiers in the dirt when he looks up to see a striking man, the new minister, Jamie learns later he is a man who with his beautiful wife will transform the church and the town. The men and boys are a bit in love with Mrs. Jacobs; the women and girls, with the Reverend Jacobs -- including Jamie's sisters and mother. Then tragedy strikes, and this charismatic preacher curses God, and is banished from the shocked town. Jamie has demons of his own. Wed to his guitar from age 13, he plays in bands across the country, running from his own family tragedies, losing one job after another when his addictions get the better of him. Decades later, sober and living a decent life, he and Reverend Charles Jacobs meet again …

25 editions

Review of 'Revival' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

What a long, strange trip it has been. I have been reading Stephen King for probably 30 years. When I was in Jr. High I used to sneak away from my mom at Wal-Mart to buy paperbacks, and hide them in my pockets until I could get to the privacy of my room. My mother was not a fan, you could say.

I loved those books. I loved the goriness, the crafty little turns of phrase, and the depiction of rurality that I recognized (being from rural Kansas, I guess there's not that much difference between little prairie towns and little New England towns). Over the years, I came to see what King himself called his "salami-making." These were fine, creepy yarns, sometimes even gutwrenchingly sad (Oh, Henry...). But they weren't "Litrachure." King had no pretensions of deep exploration of the human condition, he wrote scary stories to read in …

Review of 'Revival' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

La rencontre et l’amitié entre un jeune garçon et un adulte, ça rappelle des choses de chez Stephen King, ça ! La couleur est annoncée, elle promet de l’émotion, de la bouleversification (oui !) et de l’horreur. L’histoire s’étale sur pas loin de cinquante ans, de quoi bien immerger le lecteur dans une presque-saga, en prenant le temps de suivre notre narrateur de l’enfance à l’adulte (bien avancé). Forcément, on s’attache.

Harlow, 1963, Jamie est le dernier d’une famille de cinq, et devient rapidement le préféré du [La suite sur mon blog, merci :)]

Review of 'Revival' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Stephan King, always entertaining. Even if his current books aren't as good as some of the books from the beginning of his carreer (and my god, how could they) they are still damn enjoyable. I always get pulled right into the story; I'm always interested to find out "what happens next". I'm one of his constant readers and I will be until the bitter end. And yeah, sometimes the endings are kind of hard to swallow! LOL! Love, you Stevarino.

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