415 pages

Chinese language

Published Jan. 9, 2014 by Huang guan wen hua chu ban you xian gong si.

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4 stars (40 reviews)

"對於詹姆斯來說,在他的妻子阿蕾特決定要賣掉家中農場,搬到大城市去的時候,他心中的陌生人就覺醒了。他不斷以各種軟硬兼施的手段說服兒子,要讓這個家保持原狀,就只有做掉那個「不合群的人」... ; 推理作家泰絲在一次讀書會活動後,選擇抄近路回家,沒想到車子卻在半路拋錨,並慘遭一名陌生男子蹂躪,還被丢在路旁等死。劫後餘生的泰絲決定比照她小說中女偵探的手法,展開她的復仇計畫 ... ; 罹患不治之症的戴夫和惡魔訂下延長生命的契約,選擇將所有的負面能量轉移到他所謂「從小學以來最要好的朋友」湯姆身上。但以別人的幸福換取生命的長度,這筆交易真有那麼容易嗎?; 在妲希眼中,結縭超過二十年的巴勃是個完美的丈夫。但某次巴勃出差時,妲希卻在車庫意外發現驚人的秘密,各種證據顯示,她的丈夫很有可能是專殺女人的連續殺人犯!面對以謊言建構的「美滿婚姻」,妲希決定不再軟弱 ... ; 除了史蒂芬・金,還有誰能寫出如此震懾人心的故事?無人能出其右的文字魔力,就是要提醒我們:人心的黑暗,比超自然更難臆測!他透過日常生活中的各種縫隙,層層剖析了人性中最幽微複雜的心思,猜疑、嫉妒、背叛、怨懟,都是我們骨子裡最真實的自我。四個故事,四位主角,四個「陌生人」,反映出我們內心深處謎樣的愛恨情仇,堪稱是故事大師史蒂芬.金繼《四季奇譚》之後,勢必成為下一部經典的完美傑作!"--P. [4] of cover.

46 editions

Review of 'Full Dark No Stars Archival Slipcased First Edition Set ( Glow in the dark slipcased Set ) BARGAIN' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is a collection of four of Kings novellas. I've always felt his short fiction to be significantly better then his longer. While in his longer works he frequently flubs the endings, in his shorter one he usually nails them dead.

1922 *
A solid ghost story though not one of his best works.

Big Driver

Rather brutal even for king, its ending is a little flat and contrived. The weakest of the four

Fair Extension *
Hands down the best in the book, and one of his better short stories he has written in the last decade.

A Good Marriage
Solid though the ending wavers into sentimentality

Review of 'Full Dark, No Stars' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The short stories and novellas of Stephen King is what ultimately drew me as Constant Reader to him and I think they keep being his forte as of today. "Full Dark, No Stars" contains four of his, in my opinion, best stories, especially as they mostly deal with the tragedy and horrors of the human mind and not the "monster under the bed". My favourite story, which I re-read recently is "A Strong Marriage" - one of the few novellas where it does not matter that you know the premise (a woman finds out that her husband is a serial killer). It's one of the strongest examples of characterisation in fiction I know and if you only ever read one story of Stephen King, it should be this one.

Review of 'Full Dark, No Stars' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I'm not sure where to begin or how to begin, so I'll start by saying I liked this book. In King's pantheon of short story collections, it isn't the best however. Nor does it really live up to the quality of his recent books, published after his "retirement". But it was still better than some of his later-years/pre-retirement crap.

And I think I can pinpoint my overall liking of this book to the biggest complaint I'm going to lodge against it... I feel like I've read it all before. I know King has written a LOT of tales. In fact, I think he's written one of EVERY possible theme/monster/scare that exists in the horror genre. So I shouldn't be surprised that after a career spanning almost 50 years, he repeats himself. But when you notice it in the middle (or even beginning) of the story, you do tend to feel …

Review of 'Full Dark, No Stars' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

No spoilers from me, and no plot descriptions that you could obtain from the dust jacket anyway. To be direct and to the point, I loved this book. Each and every story had me hooked from the start, and I hated for it to end. I simply didn't want it to be over because it's been a long time since I enjoyed a book this much.

I had given up on Stephen King for a while because of a few disappointing book purchases after his accident.. I even began to wonder if he had somehow, in that accident, lost his ability to tell a story. I see now that he has not. Full Dark No Stars is Stephen King in top form.

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  • Retribution
  • Mentally ill
  • American Horror tales
  • Rape victims
  • American Short stories
  • Revenge
  • Fiction
  • Devil
  • Husband and wife