When asked to talk to students at Broome Community College in upstate New York in the spring of 2011, Austin Kleon wrote a simple list often things he wished he'd heard when he was their age: 'Steal like an artist; Don't wait until you know who you are to start making things; Write the book you want to read; Use your hands; Side projects are important; Do good work and put it where people can see it; Geography is no longer our master; Be nice (the world is a small town.); Be boring (it's the only way to get work done.); and, Creativity is subtraction.' After giving the speech, he posted the text and slides to his popular blog, where it quickly went viral. Now Kleon has expanded his original manifesto into an illustrated guide to the creative life for writers, artists, entrepreneurs, designers, photographers, musicians, and anyone attempting to …
When asked to talk to students at Broome Community College in upstate New York in the spring of 2011, Austin Kleon wrote a simple list often things he wished he'd heard when he was their age: 'Steal like an artist; Don't wait until you know who you are to start making things; Write the book you want to read; Use your hands; Side projects are important; Do good work and put it where people can see it; Geography is no longer our master; Be nice (the world is a small town.); Be boring (it's the only way to get work done.); and, Creativity is subtraction.' After giving the speech, he posted the text and slides to his popular blog, where it quickly went viral. Now Kleon has expanded his original manifesto into an illustrated guide to the creative life for writers, artists, entrepreneurs, designers, photographers, musicians, and anyone attempting to make things - art, a career, a life - in the digital age. Brief, direct, and visually interactive, the book includes illustrative anecdotes and mini-exercise sections calling out practical actions readers can take to unleash their own creative spirits.
Short but a beautiful book. I love Austin Kleon’s prolific newsletter and his style of works. This is a good read for anyone who wants to build and ship thing. Not only artists, this book is for software developers or marketers or people running business. This is a well produced book that you can pick up anytime to equalise a dull-boring-stuck-in-the-rut situation into a refreshing moment.
I probably expected too much from this book. Some tips were nice but nothing new, others just weren't for me. It was an okay read but nothing I plan to revisit in the future.
Til alle litteratursnobber og filosofiske weltschmertzkonnosører der ute: Styr unna, for dette er banalt. Jeg har nok av uleste bøker hjemme i bokhylla, men på flyplasser prøver jeg likevel å finne litteratur med så lave sidetall og så stor skrift at jeg skal klare å lese de ferdig i løpet av en to-timers reise fra Oslo til Stavanger. Steal like an Artist passet perfekt til dette, og ga meg samtidig ti gode råd for hvordan jeg skal kunne bli mer kreativ på veien. Banalt? Ja, veldig? Nyttig, ja enda mer. Jeg tror faktiks jeg skal lage et lite sammendrag av boken og bruke den som en skisse til temaet "kreativitet" i mine egne timer. Det er jo tross alt det forfatteren ber meg om å gjøre: Stjæle som en kunstner.
Det er ikke mulig å finne mye dybde i slike bøker, men jeg sakset med meg et par sitater som …
Til alle litteratursnobber og filosofiske weltschmertzkonnosører der ute: Styr unna, for dette er banalt. Jeg har nok av uleste bøker hjemme i bokhylla, men på flyplasser prøver jeg likevel å finne litteratur med så lave sidetall og så stor skrift at jeg skal klare å lese de ferdig i løpet av en to-timers reise fra Oslo til Stavanger. Steal like an Artist passet perfekt til dette, og ga meg samtidig ti gode råd for hvordan jeg skal kunne bli mer kreativ på veien. Banalt? Ja, veldig? Nyttig, ja enda mer. Jeg tror faktiks jeg skal lage et lite sammendrag av boken og bruke den som en skisse til temaet "kreativitet" i mine egne timer. Det er jo tross alt det forfatteren ber meg om å gjøre: Stjæle som en kunstner.
Det er ikke mulig å finne mye dybde i slike bøker, men jeg sakset med meg et par sitater som jeg syns var verd hele boken alene:
"There's only one rule I know of: You've got to be kind!" Sitatet er stjælt fra forfatteren (Kleon) fra Kurt Vonnegut.
"If you ever find that you're the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room."
Og så videre. Plukk opp boka hvis du vil bli litt mer kreativ.