
Paperback, 492 pages

Italian language

Published Sept. 1, 1987 by Nord.

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4 stars (65 reviews)

Alle soglie del 200 l'improvvisa comparsa del Sasso, un gigantesco asteroide in orbita attorno alla Terra, getta lo scompiglio tra gli scienziati. Ma la vera sorpresa è al suo interno, perché lo scenario che si presenta ai primi esploratori è davvero al di là di ogni immaginazione. Forse un'astronave interstellare, comunque il prodotto di una stupefacente tecnologia, il Sasso è costituito da sette "camere" collegate da una rete di gallerie, e all'interno di ciascuna sorgono vaste città, habitat artificali, fiumi, laghi, immense biblioteche che raccolgono il sapere di un'intera civiltà. Ma se il Sasso non è di natura aliena, chi può avere ideato e realizzato una simile meraviglia? E quando? Per quale ragione, inoltre, i suoi abitanti l'hanno abbandonato ormai da secoli? Dopo anni di ricerche, gli scienziati hanno appena sfiorato i segreti del Sasso, e tocca quindi a Patricia Vasquez, esperta in matematica teorica, raccogliere la grande sfida.

23 editions

reviewed Eon by Greg Bear (The Way, #1)

Review of 'Eon' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book was written in 1985, before the cold war ended, and set in 2005, which is also now far in the past for me, reading it in 2019. So, requires a bit of recontextualization. I suspect I'd have been much more impressed with this book if I'd read it in 1985, but now the characterizations of the Russians seems so very stereotypical and shallow, it's hard to judge it entirely fairly as a product of the time it was written.

It's got a lot of interesting theoretical physics in it - apparently the author is a physicist - but I think a bit more than the plot actually needs. I mean, I do enjoy science fiction that is actually plausible, but there's a line past which more details are actually unnecessary to the plot and make it harder to get into the story, and I felt as if this …

Review of 'Eon' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Eon is a pretty good story overall. The first half of it suffers from outdated political motifs such as the threat and eventuality of mutually assured nuclear destruction between the U.S., Russia and China, resulting in a nuclear winter called "the Death." Some of the sections that dwell on these obsolete political posturings are humorous, but many are merely tiresome.

The story hits its stride when it sticks to the science fiction and leaves the political intrigue behind. The incredibly cool technology of the chambers within the Stone and the synthetic universe of the Way are what kept me coming back to the story. It seems like these sections were fewer and shorter than the others, but it may just be that I read through them faster.

Of course, if there is a moral to the story, it's wariness. One finds out that all of the new technology is, just …

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