Review of "Chris Riddell's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
I love how self aware and rational Alice is during the whole trip.
Lewis Carroll, Arthur Rackham: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (2023, TWPP)
English language
Published April 5, 2023 by TWPP.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 English children's novel by Lewis Carroll. A young girl named Alice falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world of anthropomorphic creatures. It is seen as an example of the literary nonsense genre.
One of the best-known works of Victorian literature, its narrative, structure, characters and imagery have had huge influence on popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre.
I love how self aware and rational Alice is during the whole trip.
As duas Alices são meus livros favoritos, daqueles de colecionar múltiplas edições.
Finalmente consegui esta edição limitada da DarkSide, que inclui uma ótima tradução adaptada e atualizada, ilustrações inéditas da Mika Takahashi, textos de apoio, fotografias tiradas por Lewis Carroll da Alice real, a tradução de "Phantasmagoria", um poema de Carroll, e ainda a reprodução de páginas de "Alice's adventure under ground" a primeira versão escrita da história, presente para a Alice real.
É justamente aqui a minha crítica desta edição. Entendo que talvez as reproduções são apenas uma curiosidade a mais e não havia interesse em reproduzir todo o manuscrito. Mas as páginas podiam ter sido organizadas na ordem correta da história.
De qualquer forma, é uma das melhores edições de Alice da minha coleção.
Clever idea, in need of polishing
The Creature of the Forest is a cute short story about a timid professor who is suddenly inspired to try to find mythical creatures around the world. In this short, Fred Cross travels to Portugal to track down Twigman. Unfortunately, it reads like a first draft with inconsistent tenses, typos, and some odd phrasing. It’s a clever idea for a series of short stories, but it could use some polishing from its current state.
You can read my review of “The Dom's Way” at my web site.
It was fun and bizarre and I'm happy I read it.
I don't like this book. There, I said it. Anna Bond's illustrations are AMAZING, but I continue to not care about this story. Which is funny, because I truly enjoy bad (and good) puns.
Excellent for young readers.
Stays true to the original.
One thing I think Lewis Carroll did right in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was the way he wrote a book suitable for kids and still enjoyable for adults. The characters in the book are so amazing that you can’t help but fall in love with them. Stand out characters for me included the philosophical Cheshire Cat and the melancholy Mock Turtle. The whole story was witty and full of amusing puns and is considered one of the best examples of literary nonsense. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland overall is an enjoyable, well written and constructed tale and a surprisingly enjoyable book to read. I could possibly go on about the philosophy, the homages, or even the reflects to English society in the 19th century; but I will leave all that for the comments below. Read the book, enjoy the book and discuses the book. I really think this is one of …
One thing I think Lewis Carroll did right in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was the way he wrote a book suitable for kids and still enjoyable for adults. The characters in the book are so amazing that you can’t help but fall in love with them. Stand out characters for me included the philosophical Cheshire Cat and the melancholy Mock Turtle. The whole story was witty and full of amusing puns and is considered one of the best examples of literary nonsense. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland overall is an enjoyable, well written and constructed tale and a surprisingly enjoyable book to read. I could possibly go on about the philosophy, the homages, or even the reflects to English society in the 19th century; but I will leave all that for the comments below. Read the book, enjoy the book and discuses the book. I really think this is one of those brilliant books that has so many elements worth discussing.