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Dr. Kristin Neff: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself (2011, William Morrow) 4 stars

Similarly, by setting unrealistically high standards for ourselves and getting so upset when we fail to meet them, we can subtly reinforce feelings of supremacy associated with having such high standards in the first place.

Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by 

我昨天还和朋友哭,说因为抑郁症的原因我现在的标准变得很低,白天醒着,能做几件事,就很好了。但我现在看到这本书,我在想,标准很低为什么是件坏事。 然后我脑子里就冒出来三个字,”没出息“。这是谁的声音? 是啊,我们所在的社会教育我们,给自己的标准太低,是一件可耻的事情,是”没出息“……

#mentalhealth #selfcompassion

Dr. Kristin Neff: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself (2011, William Morrow) 4 stars

Dr. Kristin Neff: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself (2011, William Morrow) 4 stars