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Follow me on I read mostly self-help, psychology, and spirituality books. I read both English and Chinese books.

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翎月Lynn的书屋's books

Currently Reading (View all 5)

上野千鶴子: 厌女 (Paperback, Chinese language, 2014, 上海三联书店) No rating

对男人来说,女人最重要的功能,是保护他的自尊心。无论哪个女 人,都有讨男人喜欢的秘诀。那就是,绝不伤害男人的骄傲,一定要不厌 其烦地倾听已经听过无数次的男人的自夸,把自己的脸倾斜四五度从下往 上看着他[8],像唱催眠曲一样在他耳边不断地喃喃低语“你真行,你好了不 起”。如若不信,敬请诸位自己去试一试。要是这个男人在第三者眼中无论 如何也很难说有什么了不起,那就再加一句“知道你的好处的,只有我一 个。”然后还加上“你是我唯一的男人”,就绝对完美无缺了。

厌女: 日本的女性嫌恶 by 


Dr. Kristin Neff: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself (2011, William Morrow) 4 stars

Similarly, by setting unrealistically high standards for ourselves and getting so upset when we fail to meet them, we can subtly reinforce feelings of supremacy associated with having such high standards in the first place.

Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by 

我昨天还和朋友哭,说因为抑郁症的原因我现在的标准变得很低,白天醒着,能做几件事,就很好了。但我现在看到这本书,我在想,标准很低为什么是件坏事。 然后我脑子里就冒出来三个字,”没出息“。这是谁的声音? 是啊,我们所在的社会教育我们,给自己的标准太低,是一件可耻的事情,是”没出息“……

#mentalhealth #selfcompassion

Dr. Kristin Neff: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself (2011, William Morrow) 4 stars

Dr. Kristin Neff: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself (2011, William Morrow) 4 stars

Steven Hassan: Combatting cult mind control (1990, Park Street Press) 5 stars

Review of 'Combatting cult mind control' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Cult or not? Reflections on reading combating the cult mind-control

The church I went to is a nondenominational church. They met from house to house. They had their own Bible. They had a very large amount of internal literature written by past leaders, I've been wondering a lot: are they cult or not?
As I read through the book , I found that many experiences I had are very similar. They may or may not be cult, but there is definately something wrong with their practices:

1. They recruit people, strong, brilliant, and smart people in a subtle way. Or you can say, they cultivate people into smart ones. The members include ivy-league graduates, PhDs, university professors, and staff. They recruit people using the company interns, student organizations, and events. I was initially an intern in their company. Then I was invited to their meeting one day, and a BBQ …

Ichiro Kishimi: The Courage to Be Disliked: How to Free Yourself, Change your Life and Achieve Real Happiness (2019) 4 stars

Review of 'The Courage to Be Disliked: How to Free Yourself, Change your Life and Achieve Real Happiness' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

One most important lesson I learned from this book is, the separation of tasks. We can choose to treat the world positively, and it is our task, and whether other people choose to respond positively is their task. Therefore, take courage to trust in others, even if we were hurt once.

View the world positively, and view all other people as our companions. Pay attention to the social interests instead of focusing on self-interest only. Do not seek the approval of others, but confirm the faith that "I can contribute to the world" by acting like that.

I'm going to try these from now on, and let's see if my life will change.

M. Scott Peck: The Road Less Traveled, 25th Anniversary Edition  (Hardcover, 2002, Simon & Schuster) 4 stars

Review of 'The Road Less Traveled, 25th Anniversary Edition ' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The theme of this book is to introduce us a "road less traveled": the journey of spiritual growth. It's a path that requires one to constantly revise his or her understanding of the world, to update one's "cognitive map". This process of abandoning the old identity and gaining the new one will inevitably involve pain, but the pain is a normal state of life, and discipline, to forebear the pain for the good, is the approach to spiritual growth. He believes that life is like problem-solving, by embracing the challenge and take difficulties as normal, one will no longer complain about life but progress further in the spiritual path.

Scott Peck wrote this book with his years of experience as a psychotherapist. A lot of patient examples were used to illustrate concepts and ideas in the book. He also re-conceptualizes many terms that we are familiar with, such as "love", …

Lyz Lenz: God Land (2019, Indiana University Press) 5 stars

In the wake of the 2016 election, Lyz Lenz watched as her country and her …

Review of 'God Land' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book makes me love the genre "memoirs". It is a book full of pains, disappointments, and confusions about church and faith in America, with an interesting context: after Trump got elected as the President. I would call it "traumatic writing" because I feel the author is basically licking her wounds.

Her confusion is also my confusion: how can Church, the place for the sacred and love does the opposite. Gradually I learned to seperate the Church from churches, seperate God's will from the church's will, God's words from pastors' preaching... and even if people do things in God's name, it doesn't mean that God's spirit is with them.

As a person sharing similar views and similar wounds, I often cried as I read this book. In fact, my feeling towards faith is very similar to what she felt at the end of the book, not knowing what to believe, …