Video Games Public

Created by Babel Molotov and managed by Video Games Academia

  1. Video Games Have Always Been Queer by 

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    While popular discussions about queerness in video games often focus on big-name, mainstream games that feature LGBTQ characters, like Mass …

  2. The Meaning of Video Games by 

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    The Meaning of Video Games takes a textual studies approach to an increasingly important form of expression in today's culture. …

  3. The Works of Fumito Ueda by 

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    Are video games art? This fundamental question has fueled debates for years, and the conversation continues today. While the medium's …

  4. Well Played 1.0 by  (Well Played, #01)

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    Video games can be “well played” in two senses. On the one hand, well played is to games as well …

  5. Replay by 

    4 stars

    A comprehensive overview of the evolution of video games covering topics such as, "Atari revolution;" "rise of cartridge-based consoles;" American …

  6. Archaeogaming by 

    5 stars

    Video games exemplify contemporary material objects, resources, and spaces that people use to define their culture. Video games also serve …

  7. Ico: Castle in the Mist by 

    4 stars

    When a boy named Ico grows long curved horns overnight, his fate has been sealed-he is to be sacrificed in …

  8. The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia by 

    5 stars

    Dark Horse Books and Nintendo team up to bring you The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia, containing an unparalleled collection …

  9. Death by Video Game by 

    3 stars

    Whether it's Space Invaders, Candy Crush Saga or Grand Theft Auto, video games draw us in and don't let go. …

  10. Game Over by 

    5 stars

    As every parent knows, Nintendo is a force to be reckoned with. Game Over gives the behind-the-scenes saga of Nintendo, …

  11. Blood, Sweat, and Pixels by 

    4 stars

    Examines the development process of such marquee video games as Uncharted 4, Halo Wars, and Destiny, describing the challenges and …

  12. El videojuego a través de David Cage by 

    4 stars

    Emociones. Sentimientos. Humanidad. Sensaciones. Ideas. David Cage es un férreo defensor del videojuego como medio expresivo y desde el principio …

  13. Emergence in Games by 

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    The future direction of game development is towards more flexible, realistic, and interactive game worlds. However, current methods of game …

  14. Treacherous Play by  (Playful Thinking)

    4 stars

    The ethics and experience of “treacherous play”: an exploration of three games that allow deception and betrayal—EVE Online, DayZ, and …

  15. Creative Gene by 

    4 stars

    The ferociously talented Hideo Kojima, creator of Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding, shares his perspective on the stories …

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