Video Games Public

Created by Babel Molotov and managed by Video Games Academia

  1. Video Games and the Global South by , , , and 27 others

    No rating

    Video Games and the Global South redefines games and game culture from south to north, analyzing the cultural impact of …

    FossilPoet says:

    As far as I am aware, this is the most comprehensive crosscultural look at gaming in and its impact on the Global South. It may very well be the first attempt at such a thing as well.

  2. Joystick Soldiers by , , , and 15 others

    5 stars

    Joystick Soldiers is the first anthology to examine the reciprocal relationship between militarism and video games. War has been an …

    FossilPoet says:

    Just a wonderful anthology on the role of games in the military–entertainment complex.

  3. From Sun Tzu to Xbox by 

    2 stars

    Part of an industry that now earns more yearly than the Hollywood box office, video games have entered the forefront …

    FossilPoet says:

    The publisher for this went under a year after it was published, so it's nigh impossible to find now.

  4. The Dark Side of Game Play by , , , and 12 others

    No rating

    Games allow players to experiment and play with subject positions, values and moral choice. In game worlds players can take …

    FossilPoet says:

    This anthology walked so Transgression in Games and Play ( could run.

  5. Wandering Games by 

    5 stars

    An analysis of wandering within different game worlds, viewed through the lenses of work, colonialism, gender, and death.

    Wandering in …

    FossilPoet says:

    I cannot recommend this enough. Simply fascinating. Kagen is great.

  6. Values at Play in Digital Games by ,

    4 stars

    A theoretical and practical guide to integrating human values into the conception and design of digital games.

    All games express …

    FossilPoet says:

    This book came across as written more to sell a specific model to game designers, but that's due to the objectives of the authors. Make no mistake: it's very useful for practical tackling and application of ethics in games and game design.

  7. Transgression in Games and Play by , , , and 14 others

    5 stars

    Contributors from a range of disciplines explore boundary-crossing in videogames, examining both transgressive game content and transgressive player actions.

    Video …

    FossilPoet says:

    I only come to appreciate this anthology more and more as time goes on, specifically the first chapter. It's so incredibly useful for theorization on play.

  8. Games of Empire by , (Electronic Mediations, #29)

    No rating

    In the first decade of the twenty-first century, video games are an integral part of global media culture, rivaling Hollywood …

    FossilPoet says:

    As Garry Crawford put it, a major answer to the "need for greater recognition of 'social structures, corporate contexts, and institutional forces'" in game studies in the form of a contextualized/decentered approach which inspired his own.

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