Antolius finished reading Eversion by Alastair Reynolds (duplicate)

Eversion by Alastair Reynolds (duplicate)
From the master of the space opera comes a dark, mind-bending adventure spread across time and space, where Doctor Silas …
I mostly read sci-fi and fantasy in all shapes and sizes; paper, e-books and audiobooks.
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24% complete! Antolius has read 6 of 25 books.
From the master of the space opera comes a dark, mind-bending adventure spread across time and space, where Doctor Silas …
In 1967, four female scientists worked together to build the world’s first time machine. But just as they are about …
While I'm a big fan or Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, the first few Rincewind focused novels are my least favorite. Unfortunately this book shares not only close publication date, but also many of the traits of those early novels which I find disagreeable.
In its core this is an adventure story, with a lot of references to staples of the sci-fi genre, wrapped in a lot of clever world building ideas. However, those ideas are not given proper room to grow and develop; instead plot is propelled ever forward by silly or at times outright nonsensical events. The adventure loses any gravitas it might have had to attempts at silly humor, and I ended up not caring about the characters who felt like empty caricatures.
This is a pity because in his later works Pratchett does manage to craft some of the most wholesome fictional characters I ever encountered. And …
While I'm a big fan or Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, the first few Rincewind focused novels are my least favorite. Unfortunately this book shares not only close publication date, but also many of the traits of those early novels which I find disagreeable.
In its core this is an adventure story, with a lot of references to staples of the sci-fi genre, wrapped in a lot of clever world building ideas. However, those ideas are not given proper room to grow and develop; instead plot is propelled ever forward by silly or at times outright nonsensical events. The adventure loses any gravitas it might have had to attempts at silly humor, and I ended up not caring about the characters who felt like empty caricatures.
This is a pity because in his later works Pratchett does manage to craft some of the most wholesome fictional characters I ever encountered. And the sci-fi concepts in this book are an interesting blend of rehashing and original. Unfortunately actual negatives outweigh this potential.
1988 UK Reprint of the original Corgi print from the same year.
Her city is under siege. The zombies are coming back. And all Nona wants is a birthday party. In many …
A collection of loosely related short stories clumsily cobbled together.
Raises valid concerns about genetic engineering and US patent law.
Most characters appear morally wrong for no good reason. It detracts from valid criticism of corporate wrongdoers if all characters are adulterers & chauvinists.
Ending is unbelievable.
There's almost no narrative structure to the novel.
* It should have been an essay.
Read this if you are already invested in Revelation Space series.
Familiar characters & locations show up.
Ties to the war on Mars, which is one of my favorite parts of the lore.
Story beats reminded me of a Culture series novel.
Drawn-out midsection, rushed & unnecessarily complicated ending.
Aliens end up feeling mundane.
Not a viable entry point into the series, despite being advertised as standalone.
Speculative fiction at its finest.
Great society & world building, shown through a lens of a single life.
Two timelines nicely intertwine & support each other.
The scenes of hardship & revolution resonate deeply.
* Evokes the feeling of classic Sci-Fi without any problematic elements often associated with it.
Bad: ∅
For a depiction of a similar theme check out John Kessel's [b:The Moon and the Other|30753686|The Moon and the Other|John Kessel||51302140].
Picks up nicely from where Foundryside left off
Crasedes is a scary villain
I liked drawing parallels between Foundrysiders and free software movement (though book itself doesn't delve too deep into this)
Main characters felt bland, I cared more about villains
Repetitive plot: a new complication arises → clever scriving scene → heist/action scene → repeat
Major plot-lines remain unresolved
The plot twist around Ryland's amnesia is great!
"Space amoeba" story done right.
Relationship between Ryland and Rocky is endearing.
Audiobook elevates the whole experience.
Protagonist with amnesia trope has been done before.
Rocky has interesting alien physiology & boring human psychology.
* Earthbound story-line and characters seem childish & oversimplified compared to science in space sequences.
It's uniquely beautiful.
I liked the mash-up of styles & the film making theme nicely ties them together.
Different story-lines are all interesting, I enjoyed how they each centered on a mystery.
The vision of Solar System / alternate history is stunning.
The callowhale exposition at the end was superfluous & took the magic away.
* It went a little bit over my novelty budget (your millage may vary).
A return to form for the series!
We meet Sabetha! She's well developed character in addition to being Locke's obsession.
Locke's love blunders are masterfully depicted & invoke nice, fluffy schadenfreude feeling.
Two story-lines (historic & contemporary) are both enjoyable & intertwine nicely.
Locke's origin story feels tacked-on as a hook for a sequel that is yet to materialize 8 years later.
A murder (mystery) bot story!
Return to short form.
It was nice to see Senior Indah start off skeptical and gradually warm up to Murderbot.
Murder mystery format is a good fit for Murderbot's narrative style.
Preservation was a nice change of setting from previous stories.
Confusing chronologically (it's set before Network Effect).
I'm more interested in Murderbot's adventures with ART.