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Slow_Lee Locked account

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Slow_Lee's books

Review of 'EinFach Deutsch Unterrichtsmodelle : Dave Eggers : Der Circle' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

De discussie over de mogelijke gevolgen (en gevaren) van tech/data monopolies is niet bepaald nieuw en zelfs een behoorlijke open deur. Het boek is dan wel 10 jaar oud, alhoewel deze discussie volgens mij toen ook al gevoerd werd. De discussie over privacy en democratie en de rol van techbedrijven hierin is vandaag de dag zeker niet minder relevant, en gezien de recente waarschuwingen voor AI lijkt het me nog steeds van belang om kritisch naar deze positie te kijken.

Het boek had me stevig in zijn greep. Het geeft een accuraat beeld van de gevaren van monopolies in tech als ook de redenen waarom we bewust moeten zijn van de informatie die wij delen en toevertrouwen. Het is een meeslepend, dystopisch verhaal dat laat zien hoe makkelijk men zich door mooie beloftes kan laten inpakken.

De naïviteit van Mae en de gebruikers van de Cirkel is overdreven en er …

Ian McEwan: Machines Like Me (Paperback, 2019, Jonathan Cape) 3 stars

Britain has lost the Falklands war, Margaret Thatcher battles Tony Benn for power and Alan …

Review of 'Machines Like Me' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This book was a mandatory read for a course I’m following, the main reason being the relationship between the humans and the AI, Adam. As someone who is actively studying the human relationship to technology, it was quite interesting to see the dynamic between Charlie, Miranda and Adam develop. I wish I would have bet money on how it would end though. Spoiler: the same way as every other fiction about this topic. Sympathy for the AI. All the political context seemed to be no more than a distraction from the predictability of the story. Why two stars? Because somehow I was still curious to see how little Mark would end up and how Miranda’s court case would turn out. It passed my time. Otherwise, pretty unnecessary book.

Nicholas Carr: The Shallows (2011, W. W. Norton & Company) 4 stars

Review of 'The Shallows' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Extremely interesting, very well readable book on how the digital media and tools we consume and use, affect our brains. I was shocked to find out how radically memory, attention span and even empathy are influenced by these tools. I already was sceptical of these technologies and the prominent role they have in our everyday lives, but this book truly convinced me of the importance of de-digitalizing some parts of life.
Highly recommend!

Review of 'Ik weet je wachtwoord' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Verplichte kost voor iedere internetgebruiker! Op een heldere, interessante manier wordt duidelijk gemaakt wat de gevaren van het internet zijn en hoe je jezelf hiertegen kan beschermen. De grootste les uit dit boek: onwetendheid is het grootste gevaar. Ik ben verbaasd hoe weinig ik zelf eigenlijk wist, ondanks dat ik met het internet ben opgegroeid. Dit boek verdient een plek in het middelbare onderwijs.

Caitlin Moran: How to be a woman (2011, Ebury Press) 4 stars

Though they have the vote and the Pill and haven't been burned as witches since …

Review of 'How to be a woman' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I feel like many people misunderstood this book. I see a lot of angry rant reviews on here of people complaining about Moran being a privileged white faux feminist, and I get where they come from. I have no knowledge about Moran other than what I read in this book, but still I would like to defend this book a little bit. Simply because I think it can be good if you don’t have any expectations of it.

It’s not a manifesto and the word should NOT have been on the fucking cover. Because the book, had it been intended as a satirical telling of the life of a Western ‘quirky’ (or whatever) woman, it would’ve just been a funny read. She wrote from her own perspective and that was entertaining. She should not have turned her own perspective into a feminist manifesto because she doesn’t acknowledge other perspectives in …

Review of 'Period Power' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

In my opinion Hill adds a little too much opinion into the mix, blurring the lines between her scientific base and her own interpretation of them. Nevertheless, I think the main idea of the book, that people who menstruate should adapt more to their cycle, is good and Hill proposes sensible ways to do this. I very much liked reading this and would definitely recommend it to anyone with a menstrual cycle since it can give some valuable insights in how your cycle influences your life and how you can improve your life by listening to your body.