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Joined 2 years, 11 months ago

I mostly read non-fiction books on academic subjects although I'll read a few other stuff here and there.

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Tomat0's books

Currently Reading (View all 12)

Karl Barth: The Epistle to the Romans (1933, Oxford university press, H. Milford) 5 stars

This volume provides a much-needed English translation of the sixth edition of what is considered …

We know that in daring to use such language, we are entering the twilight of religious romanticism, in which sin and grace, faith and unbelief, take concrete form and become things which some men "have" and others "are not". But we know the passage from death to life by the power of the resurrection, the freedom from sin and and the service to righteousness, may be assigned to no known person...

And yet we boldly employ this language, the language of romanticism, because it is impossible to describe the immediacy of divine forgiveness except by means of parables drawn from human immediacy. Owing to the infirmity of the flesh, since men's ears are inadequately tuned to the truth, any avoidance of such words as "existence" or "possession" necessarily obscures and weakens understanding of the reality of forgiveness. Men must not be permitted to remain spectators, otherwise they will be unable to apprehend the conversion which God effects.

The Epistle to the Romans by  (Page 220)