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Review of 'Fragile Lives' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is not my usual type of book, I'm more into my Sci-fi than autobiographies, and reviews are also not my thing - as you can tell. However as Professor Westerby was the heart surgeon that operated on my wife (she gets a brief mention in the penultimate chapter) I just had to read it (or rather listen to it on Audible).

And a great read it is indeed. It allowed me to understand Professor Weasterby's drive and bedside manner that made my family's own encounter with him so relaxed and calm, despite the seriousness of the situation. It also goes to shine a light on the issues facing todays NHS service and one which is sadly not looking like it will be resolved in this time of cost cutting.

The style and presentation of the cases in the book is engaging and you really get a feel for both …