Cam wants to read El mapa fantasma by Steven Johnson
El mapa fantasma by Steven Johnson
En el verano de 1854, Londres estaba emergiendo como una de las primeras metrópolis modernas del mundo. Pero, al carecer …
(Él/Elle) Leo desde el Sur del Mundo. Profe de ciencias.
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En el verano de 1854, Londres estaba emergiendo como una de las primeras metrópolis modernas del mundo. Pero, al carecer …
The survey revealed that 90 percent of the visitors had no idea that a shell is made by a living animal. Most people thought they were stones.
— The Sound of the Sea by Cynthia Barnett (3%)
We've always tried to listen to shells. It’s striking how often they’ve led us to clear truths in murky times. Shells of unfamiliar species like ammonites provided evidence of evolution and extinction in an era of loyal belief that God made all creatures at once in everlasting perfection. Seashells on mountaintops told a story of shifting continents and rising and falling seas, articulating an Earth history much older than the six thousand years in the Bible. Layered in canyon walls and cliffsides and strata belowground, marine shells recorded a fossil diary for half a billion years, leaving one of Earth’s most complete archives of past life and global change.
— The Sound of the Sea by Cynthia Barnett (2%)
"Los discípulos en Sais" es una obra maestra del Romanticismo alemán que nos sumerge en la eterna búsqueda del conocimiento …
"Los discípulos en Sais" es una obra maestra del Romanticismo alemán que nos sumerge en la eterna búsqueda del conocimiento …
¿Cuándo empezamos a exigir el derecho a decidir sobre nuestras vidas? ¿En qué momento nos volvimos tan egocéntricos como lo …
A deep exploration of the regenerative and magical secrets of sacred masculinity hidden in familiar myths both ancient and modern …
Creo que la extraña pareja de trabajar y jugar por el florecimiento multiespecies con habilidad y energía tenaz y, a la vez, manifestar una actitud explícita de game over que puede -y de hecho lo hace- desanimar a otras personas (incluyendo a estudiantes) es propiciada por diversos tipos de futurismo.
— Seguir con el problema by Donna J. Haraway, consonni, Helen Torres, and 1 other (5%)
Men are socialized by patriarchal capitalism to believe that anything that isn’t strictly quantifiable, “scientific,” or profitable can’t possibly be helpful. They are trained again and again to outsource their feeling sense. Men are exiled from the very practices that could help them knock upon their own door and get in touch with their true vocations and self-expression.
[...] Modern intuitive practices have become pastel-colored social media campaigns. They offer advice on how to adjust to oppression by creating “peace” in your life. These practices are performed by clean, skinny women telling us to try harder and buy more crystals. This isn’t about finding ourselves. This is about pretending we can buy ourselves.
[...] When we knock upon ourselves, we find that we don’t exist in a digital vacuum. Our inner voice isn’t so inner. It’s a call and response with the world through our senses.
— The Flowering Wand by Sophie Strand (59% - 60%)
The imperative in the Anthropocene, it seems to me, is not to long for our own happy ending but to try, day after day, in small ways, to give that joyful rescue to someone else.
— The Flowering Wand by Sophie Strand (67%)
Ward Rutherford's Celtic Mythology is a classic ... It paints a brilliant portrait of the Celtic world and the way …
La comercialización y mercantilización total de la cultura ha tenido por efecto la destrucción de la comunidad. La community que tan a menudo invocan las plataformas digitales es una forma de comunidad mercantil. La comunidad como mercancía es el fin de la comunidad.
— No-cosas by Byung-Chul Han
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