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Joined 2 years, 7 months ago

main topics I like: bugs, animals, farming, space

currently trying to finish: amulet seriess mountain of books on bugs / animals i have piled up

my library books keep getting overdue

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reviewed Visual Thinking by Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin: Visual Thinking (2022, Penguin Publishing Group) 4 stars

interesting for visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, people interested in neurodiversity

5 stars

An overall really interesting book, I really like Temple Grandin's explanations and writing style. I'm thinking of reading her other books on animal thinking. Her explanations of what went wrong and right with two nuclear disasters and stories about engineering were really interesting to me, and the section on how humans and the rest of the animals are similar brain-wise is interesting too.

I agree with the other review that it does fall into the "billionare guys who are neurodiverse" trope which is annoying for so many different reasons I won't get into...also has Musk even engineered anything he owns? (Feel free to prove me wrong on this) This isn't probably the most sensitive book on neurodiversity and it is heavily American-centric, but her main point is that American education needs to value different types of thinking and hands-on learning more to improve its economy and infrastructure. (also that algebra …

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@fluxbugs Ah, I found a version that can be downloaded in the Internet Archive, the rest I need a library card and I live in the third world so they don't care about my libraries. I am also a bit confused since there are a lot of editions but it has like 1500 pages so I figure what I've found must be good.

It's one of the first video games developed Telltale, the ones behind The Walking Dead video games, The Wolf Among Us, and they also adapted some block busters into the graphic adventure genre. This is way more raw than the ones I mentioned since there's almost or more than a decade between Bone and some other titles, I haven't played it but saw a few videos and it seems interesting and good enough, they were a team who knew what they were doing (when Lucasarts goes bankruptcy …