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grahams Locked account

Joined 2 years, 3 months ago

I broadcast music every Monday night at 8p ET over at Benevolent dictator of the Boston SNFC.
I like sci-fi, mysteries, non-fiction and more.

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Frank Herbert: God Emperor of Dune (2019, Penguin Publishing Group) 4 stars

Review of 'God Emperor of Dune' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This was the worst of the Dune books to date. It felt like 80% of it was Leto Deuce talking with some other character about "The Golden Path" without ever really detailing what the heck it was... I was fine with some of that, but there was far too much of it...

Several times in this book we stopped the Audiobook and said to one another "wait, what the heck is going on" or "how did this scene start?". We never had that with the first 3 books.

Review of 'Millions, Billions, Zillions' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I picked up this book based on a recommendation as well as the author.

It was a great, short book with tons of wonderful examples of using simple arithmetic and estimation in not only thinking about the data you encounter in public discourse but in other parts of your life as well.

reviewed Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert (Dune Chronicles, #2)

Frank Herbert: Dune Messiah (2019, Penguin Publishing Group) 4 stars

The extraordinary sequel to Dune, the greatest science fiction novel of all time. Twelve years …

Review of 'Dune Messiah' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This was perfectly fine. It wasn't bad, but it felt kind of light compared to the first book... Also maybe Herbert got a little too far up his own ass? I dunno. It was still a good audiobook for our return trip. We're planning on doing Book #3 on our Christmas travels (since that is the next time we expect to be on long road trips)..

Frank Herbert: Dune (Hardcover, 2019, Ace) 4 stars

Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, …

Review of 'Dune' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was a “great book” that I had never gotten around to reading. I had seen the Lynch film in the 80s but hadn’t watched it since, so overall I retained very little about the story or characters.

This truly was a great book. We listened to it on a long road trip and we immediately began Dune Messiah afterwards

Anthony Horowitz: Magpie Murders (2017, Harper) 4 stars

When editor Susan Ryeland is given the manuscript of Alan Conway’s latest novel, she has …

Review of 'Magpie Murders' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I knew nothing about this book, Corinna picked it as an Audiobook for a road trip, and it was great. I was not expecting it to be as meta as it was, but it really worked for me. There were a few times it got a little tricky as an audiobook, but overall it worked for me.

reviewed The Stand by Stephen King (The Stand: Graphic Novels, #4)

Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Mike Perkins, Stephen King: The Stand (Hardcover, 2011, Marvel Worldwide, Incorporated) 4 stars

The Trashcan Man was spared for a reason. To join the Dark Man Randall Flagg's …

Review of 'Stand' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I read this book, possibly in middle school, but I believe it was the earlier, abridged original release. I didn't remember it fondly... But after completing The Dark Tower series and enjoying them, I thought it was a good time to not only revisit the book but read the 'complete' version released in the 90s.

This was a very good book. Despite it's ridiculous length, it didn't feel burdensome. Perhaps I would have felt differently if I read a paper copy (as I often have difficulty with long physical books) but I just kept chugging away at this without any concern for its length. The story engaged me and mostly it didn't seem to have a ton of useless fat.

I'm not sure why I didn't like the book in the past... Perhaps the abridged version was inferior, perhaps I was just immature or not in the right place.. But …

Bev Vincent: The Road to the Dark Tower (Hardcover, 2005, Cemetery Dance Pubns) 4 stars

Review of 'The Road to the Dark Tower' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

It's hard to review this book and not think of it as the end of a ~4000 page journey. But I'll try.

I really enjoyed this journey, and the end of Roland's journey, as well as that of the ka-tet, seemed quite fitting. I must admit that I sort-of saw the direction it was heading in, yet I was still very satisfied by it's conclusion.

Of all the 7 books in the series, this one was the longest in page count yet seemed to move the fastest of all of them. I'm sure some of that was me running downhill towards the end, but I was also fully engaged with the story throughout. In any series such as this, there are going to be some lulls where your attention wanders, but not in this finale.

After this book, King later returned to the Dark Tower for another novel. I'm sure …