I've tried a lot of recipes and tips in this book and it's really helped my pizza making adventure.
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Pete Prodoehl commented on The elements of pizza by Ken Forkish
Pete Prodoehl started reading The pizza bible by Tony Gemignani
Pete Prodoehl started reading Draw Digital by Lisa Bardot
Pete Prodoehl wants to read Kittentits by Holly Wilson
Pete Prodoehl stopped reading Brian May's Red Special by Brian May
Pete Prodoehl finished reading Modern Papermaking by Kelsey Pike
Pete Prodoehl finished reading Perfect Little World by Kevin Wilson
Pete Prodoehl finished reading Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon
As one of those people cursed to be creative without any real choice in the matter I really enjoyed this book. I can think of a few people I'd like to give this to as a gift. It's probably worth re-reading every few years as well.

loppear reviewed Now Is Not the Time to Panic by Kevin Wilson
"Okay, let's make some art"
4 stars
Small town teenage summer before the internet, feeling like an outsider in a place that is the same as everywhere else and always a half-beat in the past, making something weird and making something out of nothing, and holding on to that for feeling alive. At half-way I wondered, and the story pulled on ahead where it needed to go.
Pete Prodoehl finished reading Now Is Not the Time to Panic by Kevin Wilson
Another really funny book by Wilson. This one looks at art and what happens to it (and what happens to you) when you release it to the world. There's a few fun shout outs to punk bands from the 1980s and 1990s and even the mention of a "Wisconsin punk band who only put one out 7" record" which I found hilarious.
Pete Prodoehl started reading Brian May's Red Special by Brian May
Pete Prodoehl started reading Crafty Kids Guide to DIY Electronics by Helen Steer
Pete Prodoehl started reading The History of the Computer by Rachel Ignotofsky
Pete Prodoehl started reading The elements of pizza by Ken Forkish

The elements of pizza by Ken Forkish
The Elements of Pizza breaks down each step of the pizza-making process, from choosing a dough to shaping your pie …