Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht.

Hardcover, 313 pages

German language

Published Nov. 10, 1985 by Carl Hanser.

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4 stars (30 reviews)

Wenn ein Reisender eine Buchhandlung betritt und nach dem neuen Roman von Italo Calvino fragt, dann kann er allerhand erleben. Er kauft das Buch und merkt beim Lesen, dass sich die Handlung an der spannendsten Stelle wiederholt. Auch hat die Buchbinderei versehentlich Druckbogen eines anderen Buches mit hineingebunden. Also kauft er das neue Buch und schon ist er mittendrin in einem brillanten Verwirrspiel, bei dem er von einer Geschichte in die nächste gerät, immer auf der Suche nach dem neuen Roman von Italo Calvino.

24 editions

reviewed Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore by Italo Calvino (Oscar Moderni -- 49)

Not what I remembered

2 stars

Ricordo di aver amato questo libro la prima volta che l’ho letto, a sedici anni o suppergiu’. In particolare, i primi capitoli mi erano sembrati insuperabili, una vertigine di incipit and giochi di prosepettive, io narratore, io scrittore, tu lettore, tu protagonista, tu personaggio, lei personaggio. Questa prima impressione e’ rimasta, ma con gli occhi di ora l’ammirazione per il gioco letterario cede presto il passo all’irritazione per il virtuosismo. Fine a se stesso, perche’ diciamolo, le analogie tra la lettura e l’amore, la lettura e la vita, sono un po’ banali. Ed e’ anche invecchiata male la serie di dieci scrittori, tutti uomini, la donna relegata a lettrice, un oggetto spiato da lontano. A volte rileggere svela nuovi aspetti, e si gioisce di essere cresciuti. A volte forse si farebbe meglio a lasciare perdere per non rovinare la magia del ricordo.

Review of 'Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht.' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Don't let the other, convoluted and overly artsy reviews keep you away from this masterpiece of a book. I don't give out five-star ratings easily, but here it is justified. Reading "If on a winter's night a traveler" is a wild ride, as unconventional as its title.

Above all, YOU are the protagonist. The narrator addresses YOU for the majority of the novel, and it's YOU who has adventures trying to find out just HOW that darn book continues after you read the first few pages - and then it just stops.

And off you go, embarking on a journey across your city and to far-away places to find out how the plot will develop. On the way, you encounter a fellow reader, literature scholars and students, editors and authors looking for inspiration, and also, uh, censors from an authoritarian state? Bear with me.

Reading this book feels like reading …

A fun story collection with a mixed-bag framing device

4 stars

This vibrant array of stories has Calvino adopting the styles of various influences (Borges and Nabakov among others) and playing within them just long enough to build some tension. However, the initial thrill of the frame story seems to get a little lost within its increasingly elaborate tangles. This larger tale seems, at times, fixated on a romantic element. Ultimately it doesn't seem especially concerned with how that unfolds. (I'll also note that the persistence of meta moments can at times feel a little...persistent.)

Many of the stories afford an intoxicating mystery without having to commit long enough to dive very deeply into their implications. It's a set of shooting stars. ( I don't want to undersell the stars, though. Some of them can be fairly thought provoking/affecting, even as a brief incipit.)

The one idea from the larger narrative that stuck with me was this: A great reader can …

Review of "If on a winter's night a traveller" on Goodreads

4 stars

1) "You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveler. Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought. Let the world around you fade."

2) "You, reader, believed that there, on the platform, my gaze was glued to the hands of the round clock of an old station, hands pierced like halberds, in the vain attempt to turn them back, to move backward over the cemetery of spent hours, lying lifeless in their circular pantheon. But who can say that the clock's numbers aren't peeping from rectangular windows, where I see every minute fall on me with a click like the blade of a guillotine?"

3) "It seems impossible, in a big city like Paris, but you can waste hours looking for the right place to burn up a corpse."

4) "At times I convince myself that the woman is reading my true …

Review of "If on a winter's night a traveler" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Not even sure how to begin a review on this. It's not a story as much as it is an orchestra made up of many different instruments, apparently playing completely unrelated tunes at great speed. There are, as all reviews have noted, quite a few chapters that consist of the beginnings of novels, all of them interrupted just as you become engrossed; interspersed between them are chapters of the central story, which becomes increasingly ludicrous. In this central story, occasionally, two - or several - of the various apparently unconnected melodies collide in such a way that you momentarily realise the whole thing has been very cleverly crafted (in several places I found myself literally laughing with delight) . . . and then you lose it again. Finally, in the final four or five pages the author draws in all these wildly dancing lines of music into one tightly knit …

Review of "If on a winter's night a traveler" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler is an experimental classic that follows two protagonists, the Reader and the Other Reader. The Reader buys a fashionable new book that opens with those famous lines “You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino’s new novel, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler. Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought.” Thirty pages or so into the book he realises his copy is corrupt and consists of the same thing over and over again. Returning to the book store he discovers that what he thought was Calvino was a book by a Polish writer Bazakbal. Given the choice between the two he goes for the Polish book, as does the Other Reader, but his book turns out to be yet another novel by a different writer, as does the next, and the next.

Trying to write a synopsis for this book is tricky, there …

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