Dune: The Battle of Corrin

620 pages

English language

Published April 2, 2004 by Tor Books.

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3 stars (52 reviews)

This is a prequel to the famous Dune series written by the authors father Frank Herbert, and is one of a long series of books which pre-date the famous Dune books....others include Dune House Atreides, House Harkonnen, and The Winds of Dune. The various series by Brian Herbert, written after his father's death HAVE HAD A MIXED RECEPTION, some liking the continuation of his father's concept and others feeling the books didn't have the atmospheric feel of the original series and were playing on Frank Herbert's fame

8 editions

Review of 'Dune' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

So the first book in the series was quite good. But halfway book 2 it goes rapidly downhill, with book 3 (this one) being the worst. A lot of stuff thought up by Brian just don't make sense in the canon of Dune, and most of the book is basically plugging holes, so it somehow leads into the Dune books. But in a very, very sloppy way. Lots of good ideas from the first book are left, because he just didn't know what to do with them. Very disappointing read.

reviewed Dune: House Atreides by Brian Herbert (A Bantam spectra book)

Review of 'Dune' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Malgré les critiques souvent acerbes sur les préquelles "commises" par le fils de Frank Herbert, j'avais apprécié ma première lecture de ce premier volet de la trilogie "Avant Dune". Après avoir relu l'ensemble du cycle de Dune original, je viens de relire cette préquelle et je dois dire que j'ai à nouveau pris beaucoup de plaisir. Bien sûr, le style est très différent de celui de Frank Herbert, le récit est moins riche, moins réfléchi, mais c'est malgré tout un divertissement très plaisant, tout en explorant un univers familier.

Review of 'Dune' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

J'ai apprécié la lecture de ce troisième et dernier volume de la trilogie "Prélude à Dune". Contrairement aux deux volumes précédents, j'avais peu de souvenirs de ma première lecture de celui-ci et j'en ai redécouvert l'intrigue avec plaisir. A nouveau, cela n'a pas la profondeur du cycle Dune de Frank Herbert, mais cela reste une lecture intéressante et plaisante.

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  • Dune (Imaginary place) -- Fiction
  • Life on other planets -- Fiction
  • Robots -- Fiction
  • Science fiction
