The book of longings


Published April 5, 2020 by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.

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4 stars (15 reviews)

9 editions


2 stars

Ich könnte hier echt ewig ranten, aber ich will mich aufs Wesentliche beschränken: Dass Ana im Roman zu Jesus' Ehefrau gemacht wurde, ist für mich einzig und allein ein Marketing Gag. Denn es geht hier nicht um Jesus bzw. darüber, wie eine reale Ehefrau von Jesus hätte leben können. Anas Geschichte und Biografie ist so extrem unwahrscheinlich und konstruiert, dass ich mich am Ende echt gefragt habe, was jetzt eigentlich der Sinn von allem war. Das Buch funktioniert nämlich auch nicht als Neuerzählung von Jesus' Leben bzw. als Erzählung über einen einfachen, menschlichen Mann, der mit seinen Worten die Massen begeistert. Sue Monk Kidd hätte einfach eine Geschichte über eine Frau zur Zeit Jesu schreiben sollen, die sich den Therapeutae anschließt. Denn das scheint ihr größtes Anliegen gewesen zu sein. Das hätte meiner Meinung nach viel besser funktioniert, auch wenn dann viele (mich eingeschlossen) wahrscheinlich nicht zu dem Buch gegriffen …

Review of 'The book of longings' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

What if Jesus married The Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With At A Party from SNL.

This book answers that burning question. And the answer is . . . nothing. A whole lot of nothing. Nothing would have happened if Jesus married the girl you wish you hadn't started a conversation with at a party.

Don't get me wrong, as a woman myself, I tend to agree with most of the themes and mores about women's rights that I found myself being beaten over the head with in this book. However, much of it was wildly unbelievable for what a woman of the time would want and push for and took me completely out of the story. Many of the events didn't seem organic, but forced to push a message, without subtility or art.

Anna is an annoying, whiney, self-righteous feminist taken directly from the 21st century …

Review of 'The book of longings' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

What's the book version of Oscar bait? Pulitzer bait? What ever it is, this book is that. It was a very charming story, and emotional at times, but I couldn't help but feel that it was, as another reviewer put it, bible fan fiction. And I don't know that the author would necessarily disagree with that. The authors note was very honest and insightful into her concerns and thinking when deciding whether to write this story, and I found that refreshing to hear. I enjoyed how the characters were written and the over arching story was an interesting one.

But with that being said, I still just can't get over the thought that this was an easy capitalization on creating a feminist bible story, filled with headstrong, flawless women and modern motivations. I'm torn on the purpose of this story. It is clearly centered on Ana, the wife of Jesus, …

Review of 'The book of longings' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Ausgehend von der Frage "Was wäre, wenn Jesus verheiratet gewesen wäre?" beschreibt die Autorin das Leben der fiktiven Ana, der Frau von Jesus, und zeichnet damit gleichzeitig ein Bild vom Leben im Galiläa zu seiner Zeit und der Rolle der Frau darin. Jesus bleibt Nebenfigur, er wird allerdings sehr menschlich und sympathisch beschrieben. Interessant fand ich auch die Rolle des Judas und seine Motivation, Jesus zu folgen und ihn trotzdem zu verraten.

Review of 'The book of longings' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Better than I’d expected but not as good as I’d hoped.

It was kind of like Jesus fanfic, if you can envision a weird parallel universe in which Jesus was compassionate, thoughtful, and loving; in which he preached nonviolence and kindness to the less fortunate. (There are, I hear, scattered pockets of Christianity that hold these heretical views.)

But this is not a book about Jesus. Fanfic veers into the interesting side channels not covered in the canon, good fanfic keeps the focus there with only occasional obligatory nods to the characters and events hardcoded in the mythology. This is good fanfic. Ana is a rich person in her own right, as are the characters in her orbit, and Kidd paints a convincing picture of daily life in an age of inequality, cruelty, misogyny and corruption. How fortunate we are today, that such concepts are almost-forgotten historical footnotes!

I was …

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